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Last 2 Outings


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Hey guys, i haven't posted a report in a while, due to not having much spare time but i thought i would post a few pics of my last two outing on lake joe. One was last weekend for lakers, we got quite a few and i kept my limit, one around 23, the other 22, lost some bigger ones and released a ton of smaller ones. The other and most recent outing was this past sunday, the initial plan was to head out in the morning for lakers, than head over for some crappies. Due to some problems with the rear drive shaft on our vehicle, we couldn't do that. We couldn't take the other car either because it was already in use and we weren't about to throw away a few thousand in a garage. So we drove all over Toronto, picked up the pice we needed, than set out to work, in about 3 hours and all of the oil leaking out and us re-filling it, we finally fixed the problem and set out to Muskoka. We picked up minnows around 7 and were on the lake by 7:30, knowing it would be dark in less than a half hour, we got right down to business. We had forgotten the power auger at home along with the fish finder so we were fishing blind, after some holes, and setting up a set line, i walk over to my jigging rod with the williams attached to it, which was about 20 metres up from the bottom. I pick it up and feel a weight but its barely fighting, i reel up, only to find a laker that inhaled the 4" spoon with only the know sticking out of its mouth. That was it for the lakers as well as for fishing in daylight, i turned on the flashlight and switched to glow jigs, keeping a close eye on my UL rod with a batboy and a tube, the rod falls, i set the hook and after a long exciting battle, i land the biggest ling I've seen from joe! Shortly after i got the smallest ling I've ever seen! After that we released somewhere around 20 ling and left around 3 am. All in all it was a fun couple of weeks and i hope for one more ice outing before putting a beating on the crappies!IMG_20140407_011444_zpsb76de759.jpg[/urlIMG_20140406_203657_zpsc6695342.jpg[/urlIMG_20140406_203643_zps75c5a0fd.jpg[/url[url=http://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IMG_20140406_200031_zps2c13df28.jpg.html]IMG_20140406_200031_zps2c13df28.jpg[/url[url=http://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IMG_20140330_130937_zps47b154f7.jpg.html]IMG_20140330_130937_zps47b154f7.jpg[/urlIMG_20140330_130907_zpsdc1706bd.jpg

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