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Not sure what this post should be called,,,,,,,,NF OR F


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I missed the call to fish Balsam. :wallbash: So I headed down to the bay for some fish,n. in the tube.


Got the tube all blowen up,waders on,then it got kinda serious. 


Theres those two condos where I go out from. The horns are blowing,sirens going off,lights a flashing. 


As I watch to see from my limited sight,theres like 4 fire trucks,2 health care units,and cop cars blasting  in. Aw maybe someone had a health issue. Just as Im ready to launch I see the smoke. :w00t:




Then it gets worse,,,,,,






All seemed to be taken care of,so I headed on my way to do some fishing. Oh this warmed my heart. Calm waters and a sun rise.




There was alot of top water action from the shinners. Oh yes,they are fine an well here. And the terns are having a hay day with them. So cool to watch them in action. They fly like an inch from the surface,




What they were after. Loaded. Shallow waters and deep. 22 fow.




Shoreline where I launched.





Fishing was good. Nice perch were caught,but the water is still warm. 63 degrees.


Guess I will call this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,







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