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Short Island Report 05/12/07


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We decided to hit the islands early on Sat. morning. Met up with TbayBoy and after quick intro we caught the ferry across..


all and all not a bad day for my buddy Brian (2 pike and a bowfin [on an xrap] ) and TbayBoy (3 pike).. but it wasnt meant to happen for me.. at least this time i didnt lose anything.. still it was good to get out and meet someone else from the board..


something was buggering up my camera so i couldnt take as many pics as i wanted to..


when i got home, i started a little 'soul searching'.. trying to sort out where all my bad luck had come from.. i came to the conclusion that this run of bad luck began shortly after trying to grow a rediculous mustache.. i had been scaring my fiancee telling her that i was keeping it for the wedding (by august it would have looked considerably more rediculous).. needless to say.. off with the stache.. coincidentally after shaving said mustache, i played one of my better rugby games on sunday.. so far my bad luck mustache theory is holding weight... the theory will be put to the test this weekend up in Bancroft, with hopefully a bunch of pictures of fish i've caught!


if anyone gets a chance to fish with TbayBoy go for it.. great guy..


heres the pics that turned out (sean, feel free to add your pics to the post):






Edited by Bitsmith2k
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Nice work out there guys! I was just telling bly today that Tbayboy looked like a great guy to hook up with. Anyways, great report and pics....and as far as your theory goes...you just never know.


I was in your exact position when I started trib fishing this past January. No matter what I did, I couldn't catch a fish to save my life. I'd be fishing a hole with 2 other guys....drifting the in the same place...same length leaders, same bait...they'd pull fish out...I wouldn't. I'd be in another spot...guys to my left and right pulling them out...me....nada!! My first 8 times I went out....one fish on....promptly lost it...LOL. Then, suddenly, my luck began to change....I predict the same for you....keep at it! It'll be worth it once the skunk is off!!!

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Just keep trying :) Never give up :) I remember last year, I lost my lucky fishing hat; after the next day I tried to fish, I couldn't catch anything. Then I thought deeply, if I'm a good angler, I shouldn't just depend on luck or lucky items. Fish are there, just keep trying :D

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Wow looks like I'm trying to squish the guts outta that pike there (must be in reponse to last weeks hook in the hand incident). Anyhow, both Mike and Brian were great guys, loads of fun to fish with. I was starting to wonder when Mike's head was gonna pop off - at one point we ran into what I can only call 'beat boys' who had a little tackle box with mister twisters on their line a trout net they must have taken from their parents. Their entire conversation consisted of 'Yo DAWG! Look at that fish. F**K Dawg how'd you catch that!' and so on. Then Brian tells the kid to swap the mister twister for a little cleo he had in the box and sure enough next cast he catches a little pike with Mike standing not 10 feet away (working on hour 4 of skunk-a-thon). I swear he was gonna toss the kid in the lake :devil: Anyhow, I bet the moustache was the problem all along but if you don't get anything this weekend give me a shout and we'll hit the islands again (or anywhere else, I'm open to trying anything new)


Speaking of 'anything new' Here's the bowfin Brian caught, weird fish.


<a href=" Brians Bowfin title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/219/495251607_a08c397eb9_b.jpg" width="768" height="1024" alt="Brians Bowfin" /></a>



PS: Anytime anyones doing ANY fishing in the GTAish area and wants some company I'm always up for it including incurring whatever costs are required - Cliff anytime you and Bly want to try the islands just let me know (after being there 3 times I still barely know what I'm doing but I'm always willing to share what little I do know).

Edited by TbayBoy
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thanks for the encouragement guys, i dont give up easily

wow.. how could i forget about the beat boys.. "yo dawg.. what the hell kinda fish is that yo?", "yo i aint touchin that thing yo"

and on that cleo?!? that was a slap in the face..


i'll definately drop ya a line when i get back

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Now that I'm home I can add the picture that best describes BitSmiths day:


<a href=" Run its a goose! title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/205/501450681_0bb5d215dc_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="Run its a goose!" /></a>


The resident geese decided that the spot was theirs (actually a bunch them got in a big fight over the females I guess) - bottom line is there were some loud angry birds :)


And here's a quick little video of Brian landing a little guy - he played it out a bit as he thought I was trying to take a still pic vs taking a video:


<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
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Congratulations guys on some nice fish. Don't worry Bitsmith, you're not alone - I'm still skunked for pike down at the islands this year though I haven't been out there for a while. Good luck for next time.



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The fish in the video is a scrappy little dude!

Cool Bowfin as well, seems to be more of them caught this year.


Your in the right area, casting more along the first drop off instead of the middle of channels has worked for me.

All my fish have been caught on blue/ silver as opposed to other colours, around lunchtime.


Hopefully you will get rid of the skunk.




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Your the third guy I've either seen tossing the blue/silver x-rap or mentioning it Egh. Might have to try that but so far everything for me has come on "perchie" - 4" perch x-rap. In fact nothing else that I've tossed has even had a tap out there, it's certainly become my confidence bait for the island but maybe I'll try the blue one.

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not gonna start a new thread, for one pic.. but the skunk has ended.. and i hereby swear an allegiance to the perch xrap (perchy)..

had a couple hrs to kill after work last night so we headed over to the islands.. here's the little guy..

my 'stache theory holds some weight...



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