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Purchasing outpost camp?


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Hey all.

I figure someone on here can help me out.

My fishing/hunting group is considering purchasing an outpost camp. We have done some research and found the applicable Ont Gov documents regarding the application process, ect. Basically we have determined we need to be a business and have a base of operations in Ont. Further to that we have to provide a quantifiable service (renting to clients) throughout the year and pay the applicable LUP fee.

My question is to any of you that do this for a living. While reading through the government documentation is all well and good the advise of actual people is what we need to know. Obviously we are missing many details that are 'hidden' between the lines.

Anyone out there know the pitfalls and hoops that we need to avoid/jump through???

PM me if you like.

Thanks all....



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You may not need a "company" to obtain one, but you'll probably have to buy a current company as many LUP's are not transferable anymore. If the owner dies.... the LUP dies with him/her. Do your homework before making any offers on LUP's for sale...

Edited by irishfield
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The application process to aquire an LUP is an entirely different thing than buying an existing one.

What is it you are actually contemplating?


To the best of my knowledge it's a fairly straightforward procedure buying an existing outpost and transferring the LUP.


However it's been many years since the ON government has granted any application for a new LUP.

That's why existing LUP's are valued so high.


The only other option available for a new camp is on native territory. That's what Eddie North did when he opened his camp on the Attawapiskat River 3 years ago. Struck a deal with the natives in Lansdowne House...

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The application process to aquire an LUP is an entirely different thing than buying an existing one.

What is it you are actually contemplating?


To the best of my knowledge it's a fairly straightforward procedure buying an existing outpost and transferring the LUP.


However it's been many years since the ON government has granted any application for a new LUP.

That's why existing LUP's are valued so high.


The only other option available for a new camp is on native territory. That's what Eddie North did when he opened his camp on the Attawapiskat River 3 years ago. Struck a deal with the natives in Lansdowne House...


We are considering purchasing an existing LUP. From what we have researched it does seem fairly straightforward though thats the problem...it seems 'too easy'????



You may not need a "company" to obtain one, but you'll probably have to buy a current company as many LUP's are not transferable anymore. If the owner dies.... the LUP dies with him/her. Do your homework before making any offers on LUP's for sale...


This was one of the questions that arose. Can we simply start a new company, rent it out to a select few over the course of the year, and use it ourselves a couple times of the year?? We have not read anywhere that the company has to be existing?

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Depends where it is.. and what the circumstances are. Some are still transferable... some have been deemed "when the current owner dies" it's gone.... where buying the company that holds the LUP.. they haven't "died".


If you start a new corporation... you can roll the ownership where ever you want over the years simply by selling shares of the company or the entire thing. Will all depend on the LUP in question as to which way you go.. but be prepared for someone doing the annual tax returns for same.

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I've never heard of any issues arising transfering an existing LUP. I'd be shocked if there were.


The only issue arises when someone backs out mid transaction. You are either in.. or you're out... with the purchase, as you get one shot as the existing owner to file the hand over with the MNR from what I've been told/seen/heard.

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I know this going to make me look stupid.


What does LUP mean?


If I was able to purchase a parcel of land for fishing and hunting I would do the ground resurch first.


Having said that I know of people that have bought into a property and either sold or abandoned it simpley because they did not realise the effort it takes.

What Im saying is that you shoud look at access/ location/ what is it you want to accomplish?


If it isnt in the middle of but ____ nowhere you probably wont make $$$

If its just for you and the boys to go out and play then it will eventualy end up in one persons hand or sold and a couple lost friendships?


Reality realy does have a way of ruining the best intentions.

Good luck.


By the way where is it?

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I know this going to make me look stupid.


What does LUP mean?


If I was able to purchase a parcel of land for fishing and hunting I would do the ground resurch first.


Having said that I know of people that have bought into a property and either sold or abandoned it simpley because they did not realise the effort it takes.

What Im saying is that you shoud look at access/ location/ what is it you want to accomplish?


If it isnt in the middle of but ____ nowhere you probably wont make $$$

If its just for you and the boys to go out and play then it will eventualy end up in one persons hand or sold and a couple lost friendships?


Reality realy does have a way of ruining the best intentions.

Good luck.


By the way where is it?


LUP - Land Use Permit, and we have been on the ground, so to speak.

We are not in it for the money, just the joy of it's use for us and few trusted others. As to where it is.. :whistling: If things work out I will let you know once the permit is in our hands :whistling:

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