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Just another day carpin


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Is this from the Island or one of your other spots?


If it is from the Island again...


I think you should just move there :D


Buy one of those houses there at the island.


Ok if I ever buy one of those houses your welcome to stay over for some fishing. :thumbsup_anim:

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Nice looking fish! I have to say, you take some awesome pictures of your fish. Since I mostly fish at night, I dont get the opportunity to get cool shots like you! Heading out tonite to try for more Carp...hope they are still hungry!!!

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I noticed that carp is a fairly popular fish. Why? are they good eating or is it just the thrill of the catch that makes it so saught after?

I have never caught one or tasted one for that matter. There are carp up here in NWO but I don't anyone who goes carp fishing per say.


Just curious is all.

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I noticed that carp is a fairly popular fish. Why? are they good eating or is it just the thrill of the catch that makes it so saught after?

I have never caught one or tasted one for that matter. There are carp up here in NWO but I don't anyone who goes carp fishing per say.


Just curious is all.


I've only recently targetted carp. They are a thrill to land once you hook them...especially if they are over 20 pounds! The few I've had on the hook have taken about 15 minutes to land...they are pretty powerful fish. I have no intention of eating them....but you can. You mentioned that you dont know anyone who goes after them....another thing I like about them...you find your spot and it's a nice relaxing time fishing....rather than fighting the crowds of the tribs hunting for steelies. The tribs are like that for me cause I can only fish on weekends...when everyone else is....LOL. If you are a shore fisherman (like me...cant afford a boat), then I'd say give it a try...it's pretty cool.

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Here are my reason for fishing carp.


1) First of all theres plenty of them around everywhere.


2) Cheaper than fishing for any other fish (no lures required )


3) Usually theres more than one fish , they swim in schools


4) They are almost always a double digit fish in wieght


5) When they hit ...they hit like ton of bricks you'll lose your rod if your not careful


6) They are very strong and can break rods and ruin reels during a run.


7) They take out lots of line!!


8) You don't have to walk around after you have landed one fish. In search of antoher.


9) You get to relax and enjoy the fresh pollen filled air in my case.





Edited by dsn
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You have my attention now.


I have a few spots that I fish from shore. They have been known to hold a carp or 2.

What do I use? Like I mentioned before I have never caught or fished for them so I wouldn't know where to begin.

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DSN - thanks for the post!!!! gettin' me excited for the carp to move into my "secret" creek mouth. Where I haven't landed a carp under 15 lbs


WES BENDER - There's many people on the board who are more knowledgeable than me when it comes to carp fishing, BUT I did a video in college a few years back about carp fishing. At one point I show you how I rig for carp - I think it'll be a great start for you! And maybe you'll get a little excited after seeing us land one of the bigger ones!


Here's the link:




Good Luck,


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. . . . . and just to think, a mere 5 years ago I used to almost get either laughed, or ridiculed right off the board for posting my carp-fishing exploits! My . . . . how things have changed, eh?


B T W . . . GREAT shots . . . . I haven't decided where I'm gonna get skunked tomorrow yet . . . conditions (off shore wind, high barometer, bright sunlight = crystal clear water) aren't the greatest for the shallow bays and creek mouths where they're now coming in to! They get VERY finicky when it's like that.

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You have my attention now.


I have a few spots that I fish from shore. They have been known to hold a carp or 2.

What do I use? Like I mentioned before I have never caught or fished for them so I wouldn't know where to begin.



Just toss some corn out (canned not frozen) in small area. And pack some kernels on your hook if your not familar with hair rigs. And use a single shot with 8-12lbs test line. I use 14lb fireline. Sometimes I use 8lb mono, if I know theres no rocks or anything that can cut my line. And keep you hand on your rod!! Set the drag and get ready and hold on.



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. . . . . and just to think, a mere 5 years ago I used to almost get either laughed, or ridiculed right off the board for posting my carp-fishing exploits! My . . . . how things have changed, eh?


B T W . . . GREAT shots . . . . I haven't decided where I'm gonna get skunked tomorrow yet . . . conditions (off shore wind, high barometer, bright sunlight = crystal clear water) aren't the greatest for the shallow bays and creek mouths where they're now coming in to! They get VERY finicky when it's like that.





Yep your not alone anymore photoz. :lol:



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Just toss some corn out (canned not frozen) in small area. And pack some kernels on your hook if your not familar with hair rigs. And use a single shot with 8-12lbs test line. I use 14lb fireline. Sometimes I use 8lb mono, if I know theres no rocks or anything that can cut my line. And keep you hand on your rod!! Set the drag and get ready and hold on.




And remember this, if you don't have a rod holder, better keep the rod in your hands or where you can reach it in 0.5 second. If you have a rod holder, loose the drag so the line can go out freely. Tighten the drag as you're reeling in the fish.


Only leave the rod on the ground if you really want to get a new rod.

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BTW, photoz, I will be at the spot where my avatar picture was taken. It's been about a year, that little boy in the picture is one year older, and he will be handing a 12' carp rod in his hands for the first time in his life. I know the weather may not be the best, but there's no such thing as a bad day fishing..........

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Just a little unsolicited advice on bait . . . . . 'chumming' PROPERLY with canned corn is attrociously expensive . . . . you can buy a 40 kilo bag of maize (cattle corn) for under $10.00 at any farm feed store on the perimiter of the GTA. I know that's a lotta maize, but if several of you who live fairly close together split a bag . . . $3.00 will getcha about 14 kilos each, as as opposed to 3 cans of corn. Besides, the ONLY thing that takes this hard corn is carp, you 'chum' with nice soft canned corn, the little panfish will have a feast. I boil mine about 15 minutes, then let it sit for a couple days, to soak. You WILL need to learn to tie up a hair rig, and buy a small device (bait needle) to thread your corn on with. Plus, you SHOULD buy a good sling shot to get your corn out with . . . I THINK Canadian Tire may keep 'em . . .. buy one from a tackle store, 2X the price! A very good Canadian carping site to visit is: http://www.geocities.com/carpsava/content.html . . . a fellow carper (Stephen Westbury) runs the site. Lotsa interesting links. And there are a lotta smaller tackle stores who stock some carp related items, but if you're close to Hamilton, Fishing World is your best bet . . . . Mike knows his carp! Now, I'm off to get skunked . . . . AGAIN!

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