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Fishing in Puerto Morales Mexico


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I recently went to down to Mexico to get married and wasn't going to miss an opportunity to do some fishing. My best man, dad and future dad in law hired a boat for 8 hours and headed out into the Caribbean sea to see what we could stir up. It was kind of rough to put it mildly and only Simon (best man) chummed the waters, but he did a damn good job of it. Neither of the dads had ever been fishing before, so I knew this was going to be fun.


First we trolled the reefs looking for something to hit, and it wasn't long til we had a decent fish on. I was first up and even after pulling sheephead in on Erie on leadcore, I still wasn't prepared for this :rofl2:




20 minutes later, on comes a 60 inch barracuda





After this we headed out into much deeper water searching for marlin. 3 hours go by, I was sleeping and bang, sailfish is on. So I made my dad grab the rod:



50 minutes later and we all had turns, the fish is boatside. The guys on the boat were trying to get us to kill it and none of us wanted to. I was last on the rod, so I let the line go slack and off it went. No pics, so you'll just have to take my word for it.


Mid-afternoon we went back in towards the reefs and they were using some weird tactics. They would hook the line onto the downriggers, drop it down and snap it out. The bait only stayed down for a minute and they kept doing this. These were handcrank riggers, not much fun. Anyhoo, we started getting into a bunch of yellow tailed snappers:



This one crapped all over me :wallbash:



Mid way through catching about 10 of these guys, Simon was up and the guys on the boat starting shouting, we realized it wasn't a snapper:



Another barracuda on the boat



That was the last fish on board for the day. Had a great time, last time fishing as a single man. Took the opportunity to go swimming with the whale sharks the next day, I recommend this to anyone who has never done it. Simply amazing creatures to see.






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Did you eat any of those ? If so , hows the barracuda ?


Ate the snapper. Very tasty. Much to the wife's excitement, got the barracuda stuffed. Arrives in december. :whistling:



First Things First Congratulations On Getting Married,

Wow man good times for sure, awesome report, nice fish, and video is killer.

I assume that the whale sharks are a tame kind of fishy ?


The whale sharks are plankton eaters. There were between 50-100 of them in the water where we were. They sort of leave you feeling abit insignificant. Most of them are about 20 feet long, the largest 40 feet.

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