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Best Bass Opener


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Well for my bass opener I did the same thing I have for years, My parents hold a bass derby for opening day and even though I didn't win I can easily say it was my most productive opener my cousin and I went out in his boat and we landed over 40 each none being to big my biggest yesterday was around 15 or 16 inches and my cousins biggest was 18.5 inches being the 2nd place winner. Being that the action was so good and it was a busy day I forgot to get any pictures. So I went back out this morning around 7 with my cousin and a friend we took my boat this time and we lasted about a hour and I was the only to get any I got 2 and then we were all way to hung over and decided to go back and relax lol. Well I decided I can't go out for opener week and not have any pics for you folks so I was feeling a bit better and decided to head back out by myself, got out for a couple hours and got 8 more and lost a few no big ones or anything sepcial just some 15-16 inchers.


Heres some pics from today













They aren't the biggest as you can see but still a great amount of fun. When I came back in to shore my daughter was yelling daddy and she wanted to go for a boat ride so I got her all ready and my mom daughter and I went for a boat ride. It was her first ride since last summer and I'm sure she didn't remember going out last year as she hated it lol. This year she loved it so looks like I may have a fishing partner now for good. She was loving it and she liked more that I let her drive and honk the horn lol.






That was the face after I took her away from the wheel she wasn't to happy then lol.


Hope you enjoy sorry the pics aren't that great I was alone and my own photographer lol.

There will be lots more this year and hopefully some real monsters just gotta get a calm day to get out to my spot.



Edited by Live2fish85
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Thanks Paul, I agree it was a memorable one forsure. May not have been any fatty's but that's fine plenty of time left. Wonder what the wife would say if I said I wanted to move back to my parents lol.


ctranter thanks and I agree they were hungry that's for sure.

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"Well I decided I can't go out for opener week and not have any pics for you folks so I was feeling a bit better and decided to head back out by myself, got out for a couple hours and got 8 more and lost a few no big ones or anything sepcial just some 15-16 inchers."


Now that's a dedicated OFC'er. :clapping:


Great pic of the little one driving the boat too.

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