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Smokin !


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I have read many articles on smoking, I have a smoker that works great but I am curious if i can smoke something quick on the barbie, like put chips in foil and set em on the grill ? or put a pan of chips on the flavour bars under the grill ? will this work ?

When i use the smoker i leave it for 6 or 7 hours, but was thinking i could get a quick fix on the bbq, any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Thanks Al

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I use to do lots of "quick smokes" on the bbq. It still will take about 1-2 hours to get enough flavor though to make it worth while


Here' what I did


Cook your meat to about rare or just about rare and no further. Shut down the heat on one side and low on the other. This is where is gets a bit dangerous. Take the grill out from the "low" side (watch out it's HOT) and place your chip box of foil pouch with chips in it right on your bricks above that burner. I like to have the meat up higher on the bun warming rack to get the full exposure to the smoke. Close the lid and let it go for about an hour. For the first few times you will want to watch just so it doesn't go crazy. The idea is to get a nice slow burn in the chips. If you've got tons of smoke coming out it's too hot and you might have to rig up some adjustments. I use an old steal pie plate and just pour my chips in that.


Now I cook on the bbq and finish in my smoker.

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You cannot "smoke" on a gas grill... but you can add smoke flavour.


One of the problems is in the lingo.... there are a couple different methods of "smoking"....


Cold smoking, like that typically done on fish or cheese is at very low temperatures, say 130-170F.

Hot smoking (or BBQ'ing) is typically done at temps of 220-275F.

Grilling (what most call BBQ'ing in error) is at elevated temps, say 300-600F (or higher).


So on the gas grill, you will be grilling, and adding some additional flavour with wood smoke.


Since cooking times are shorter when grilling, you can use stronger woods and more of it to give flavour (mesquite or hichory). When grilling steaks (thick ones) I typically place the smoker box on the flavourizer bars on one side and get it smoking with the gas on high. The other side is on low and gets the steaks when there is a lot of smoke. I will cook them slower on this side to get even temperature thoughout the steak. When they are about rare, I will transfer them over to the hot side and do a "reverse sear". This carmelizes the surface of the meat and brings out nice flavours. I pull them at med-rare.


For chicken, I will get the smoke going like above, but cook them mostly on the top rack until done. Chicken picks up smoke faster than steak so be careful depending on your preferences for smokey flavour.


Burt :)

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