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Lake Temagami and Area Feb 15 to 22nd, 2010


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Wow .. cant believe I missed this ... Great report Wayne ... and to think I was stuck in Vegas playing golf :(



Lloyd .. you ARE da MAN ... that is one HONKIN laker .. makes me rethink my whole hand-lining strategy for sure .. dont think that fat girl coulda been brought home free hand ... gonna have to add a rod/reel to my setuos from now on ! I guess Karma was on your side after all you had to go through to get there !


Too bad about the big speck Wayne .. would have loved to at least get a pic ... oh well you know where she lives for next time

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Some more shots from Dano's camera. He sure loves the trail up to my camp from the water.. makes a great shot in the winter for sure! This year he didn't even have to shovel it! lol BTW.. those neopren gloves are useless for holding onto a Laker!!













Edited by irishfield
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