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Awesome weather and some fish


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We have been blessed with incredible weather over the past 2 weeks and for that I am greatful.

Got out early Sat morning for a morning session on the bay. I could only fish until 11:30 I had to make the most of it. Things started off really well as I managed to catch 3 good smallies in the first 30 minutes out there. I was thinking, this could be a memorable day! Turned out to be memorable but not because of the fishing.


Here is where the day turns from being enjoyable to a bit frustrating. I pulled the cord to start the engine and it came off the track and went under the track above the flywheel. To make a longs story short, the rope broke in two places making either piece too short to use. I had to take off the cowling and remove engine parts. Someone said to me, "make sure I didn't drop anything in the water." Right after that was said, I accidently dropped something in water. Don't know what it was but it made a considerable kerplunk sound. Not cool.

So there we were drifting as I disassemble everything to get to the flywheel. Once at the flywheel I had to wrap a rope (anchor line) around the flywheel and pull start the motor. After about 10 minutes of not being able to get the motor going I began to think that the part that fell into the water might be important. As I was contemplating which boat to ask for help I decided to try the rope on flywheel again. I looked down where the motor is mounted on the boat and I see that the kill switch is in the off position. Are you kidding me? 15 minutes of me trying to start the motor while the run switch is in the off position. Switch to run and pull. Starts right away.

This whole scenario must have taken about 1 hour.


Anyway, I had to start the motor this way from that point on and it was a bit frustrating to say the least. Oh well, better to fish with a problemed motor than to not fish at all.


At the end of our morning I only managed to land 4 fish and lost at least 3 more. They were all caught drop shotting Strikezone Slammers.

Jaydub also got in the mix with some smallie action. Not a great day fishing but it was great to be fishing on such a day. I look out the window as I am typing and can't help but think about fishing. Today looks even nicer than yesteday!



PS I still don't know what the part that fell off the boat was. I went to marina and got them to blow up a parts list with diagrams on that side of the motor. I checked against the motor and everything seems to be there. I also bought a new pull chord.

Only 8 more days of this dirt stache. Can't wait to get it off my face. I think Jaydub is thninking the same thing.

Nice early morn smallie


Jaydub getting into it a bit


Drivning a boat with motor issues. what a pain in the backside.


Edited by Cudz
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

nice fish. too bad about the motor but if it still ran after you dropped something in the water, it couldn`t have been that important!!!!


the movember stache is coming along splendid.

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It was great to get out one more time...even if you spent half the morning fixing engine problems. :wallbash: If you're going to drop engine parts in the water :w00t: you sure know how to pickem. lol


Thanks for a great season of bassin, June 2010 can't come soon enough!!

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At least you got a few.


I had something fall off my motor the last time I changed the cord. Luckily it was in the garage, I've made many quick repairs on the water. Me and the pull cord have issues. Anyways the if its the same part once the bolts are out and the motors all apart nothing holds this part on. It seems to be some kind of dampener??? When out turn the thotle back and forth theres a part the puches on it.


I'm sure my description doesn't help at all. It did seem that the part wasn't that important in the running or starting.


I have the same or similar motor so it could be that part thats not bolted down once you've removed the part that holds the pull cord.

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