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Credits Coaster brookie returns

john from craa

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Many of you may recall CRAA caught a 3.2 lb coaster brookie in the Streetsville fishway in September last year (2008). The fish had its adipose fin removed for genetics and was transported to a small tributary in the upper Credit. He was seen in november spawning in that trib.


Guess who showed up in the fishway yestderday!!!! Yes, the same brook trout, one year later, larger and with the adipose clip. A tissue sample was taken and will be genetically confirmed.


For the handfull of doubters who said he was not a coaster or migratory brookie - explain that one. He was caught in the fishway two years in a row. Both times in the top jump, below the fish screen.


Hopefully he will be making more babies in the fall in the upper river.


Very Cool.



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Historically, were any of the Brook Trout strains in Lake Ontario and its tribs anadromous ?

I wonder too if he actually went to the lake, it has been my experience with southern Ontario brookies that the larger fish will migrate somewhat, hitting smaller triblets or nursery type water to spawn but often spending the rest of the year in water that would perhaps be considered marginal for the species further downstream.

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Historically, were any of the Brook Trout strains in Lake Ontario and its tribs anadromous ?


Have read early historical reports of brook trout and Atlantic salmon being quite abundant at the mouth of creeks

and in the Lake Ontario maybe 200 to 150 yrs. ago. Especially the Don River....


Here is the link started last year about this large Brook Trout w/ picture.


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Many of you may recall CRAA caught a 3.2 lb coaster brookie in the Streetsville fishway in September last year (2008)...


Heh, I don't think the CRAA caught him, but were "made aware" of his capture during the chinook egg collection last year :P

And I wouldn't exactly call him a true coaster, just a big brookie that likes to wander a bit. Atleast he's gotten two free rides in the Atlantic Limo (I'm assuming he was trucked upstream again).


Not a "Coaster", but a big brookie for the Credit.



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Grew about 4-5 cm over the year. 43 last year, 47-48 cm this year. Water temps exceeded the survival limit for brook trout by several degrees Celcius this summer below Streetsville and the only cold water refuge below that is Lake Ontario. And yes, CRAA volunteers caught him last year while we were operating the fishway (Sept 17), 10 days prior to the chinook collection. Although the MNR bio netted him (he was out helping to move Atlantics). I'll post the video on youtube when I have time. MNR/OFAH got him out of the fishway the other day while looking for salar.



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