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Coaster Brook Trout *pic added for the cynics*

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)

Today was epic. I spent my lunchbreak today fishing a small rock point near nipigon ontario. in 20 minutes my coworker and i managed to hook into 5 coaster brook trout, landing only 2 (perhaps due to the barbless hook, perhaps due to our excitement)...

Mine was approx. 2 lbs, his was about 3 lbs. one fish I lost at the side of the boat was easily 5 lbs.

After spending 2 seasons working on a coaster habitat assessment project it was nice to finally catch and release one...

Pics to come later today! Gotta get ready! Going to fish the nipigon river TONIGHT!



Edited by Dr. Salvelinus

I second that notion...i know whats its like...and your off right now...unless........this is a fish story...........

  Dr. Salvelinus said:
Today was epic. I spent my lunchbreak today fishing a small rock point near nipigon ontario. in 20 minutes my coworker and i managed to hook into 5 coaster brook trout, landing only 2 (perhaps due to the barbless hook, perhaps due to our excitement)...

Mine was approx. 2 lbs, his was about 3 lbs. one fish I lost at the side of the boat was easily 5 lbs.

After spending 2 seasons working on a coaster habitat assessment project it was nice to finally catch and release one...

Pics to come later today! Gotta get ready! Going to fish the nipigon river TONIGHT!


As you know, Doc, there's been lots of hard work done with the Nipigon Brook Trout situation in the past couple of decades. The most recent reg change, one fish over 22" as opposed to two fish over 18", has me really excited. I really noticed this reg change paying big dividends last year. About half the fish that I caught were 22"+, when in years past it was maybe 1 in 10 or 15 fish. Perhaps even less. I remember sitting in a meeting with a Lake Nipigon angling club that were very disgruntled with the new rule change at the time that it was introduced. I just sat there biting my tongue, thinking that I might get mobbed if I spoke in favor of the new reg. They were all very much against it. I've been fishing Brook Trout on the Nipigon system for about 25 years. It just keeps getting better every year. I've talked to a few old timers that have been fishing the system for decades longer than I have. They say that it has never been better that it is today. For a fish that demands the cleanest environment that nature can produce, that's a pretty good success story. Now, if I could only find the time to get out and catch a few of them, life would be very, very good...


Enjoy your time on the planets greatest Brook Trout factory.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

the reg change seems to have definitely paid dividends on both the coasters and the brookies above alexander and up to the lake.

interestingly though i haven't caught a fish over 22 yet from the river...we caught some gorgeous fish that were between 20-21.5 with a huge assortment of girths, but i've yet to break the 22 inch mark! it's neat to see the morphological differences between the coasters and the others.

being a brook trout fanatic, there is no better place to be than nipigon.


Dr Luc!!


I cant help but notice that you replied back to this thread, yet, there are not pictures of the so called "coasters" you have claimed to have caught!!!


I am starting to think that some the TFM may have been ingested during your lunch hour, which made it seem like you were fishing.


Dammit already...show me the pics!!!!!!!!!


I heard thats a problem up there...but if i know those guys he's with the beer are not on the table that long...would be called "nursing it" if it was on a coaster...lol

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

if you have a way to get them off the cell phone without having the cable in nipigon, i'm all ears/eyes fellas.

until then, i guess none of you will actually know what a coaster BT looks like...


So i guess its all a fish tale eh!


Its ok....you can blame it on the TFM or the GB...you pick, either one is fine with me.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
  troutologist said:
Could be he was just at the bar and found these coasters under his beer?


how's that catfishing coming along?

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
  anders said:
So i guess its all a fish tale eh!


Its ok....you can blame it on the TFM or the GB...you pick, either one is fine with me.



Shouldn't you have your nose buried in some IT mumbo jumbo poindexter?

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
  Highdrifter said:
Have a look in the mirror lately??!!


No...I've been too busy fishing!

  Dr. Salvelinus said:
Shouldn't you have your nose buried in some IT mumbo jumbo poindexter?


LOL...Its called job security....and its not IT....its Geographic Information System Engineer, only maps my friend.


I cant even tell you where the any key is.


You should be able to send the photo from your phone wirelessly to an email address or another phone. Depends on the type of phone you have and which wireless provider you use.



  Dr. Salvelinus said:
if you have a way to get them off the cell phone without having the cable in nipigon, i'm all ears/eyes fellas.

until then, i guess none of you will actually know what a coaster BT looks like...

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