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Lame Excuses! NF


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I made it to work today. Of course we didn't see even a single snow flake up here. But it was -28C when I started work this morning. With a wind chill that was pushing -40C. The afternoon was a balmy -25C with the wind factored in. My job today was to open up a 30x30 foot opening in a steel roof on a 30 foot high building so that we can remove several large tanks from inside the building. We pretty much got the opening made in the roof and I'll be back tomorrow morning in similar temps to remove the tanks. Sorry to hear about your snow guys. :whistling:

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Snow day = paid day off :thumbsup_anim:




"SNOW DAY????", what the heck is that?


There has only been two times in my 30 yrs. at work where it was shut down, last time in '96, and that was because of the almost 3 ft of snow that fell overnight with fairly high winds causing huge drifts on the roads. The city crews just could not clear it. My side street did not get done for almost 3 days. But, I have a 1/2 ton 4x4, and my snowmobile was on the back, so I made the best of the day, and ran up and down our two streets packing it down to help people in my area get out.

My elderly neighbor across from us had an 8 ft. high drift between his car and the street(should have taken a picture of it as there was virtually no snow around his car, lol).


Fortunately, one of our neighbors has a trucking and gravel business, quick phone call, and they showed up with a massive front end loader. Scooped all the snow out of the driveway, and put it in my front yard(told them to, there was no where else to put it).

My co-worker had walked into work that day at 7 am, did all the equipment deliveries for the 8:30 classes, and then listening to the radio heard that the university was officially closed at 8:10 am. Picked up all the equipment, and walked home, a one hour walk each direction in clear conditions.


DARN, I wish we could have a shutdown for snow, we need snow desperately up here. Our forecast for the summer is grim with regards to the fire season. Some of the fires from last fall are still smoldering 6 ft. underground, the fire crews just cannot dig down that deep. Usually they are only about 2 ft. underground at most, but with our drought conditions late summer and all fall, the water table has gone down drastically.

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the wife didn't make it mainly cause we live in an apartment building and low and behold the snow removal company that is contracted to clean our parking lot didn't show up until 10am this morning... i pushed out 2 vehicles with another tenant and an F150 dualie was stuck in the middle of the parking lot, so she stayed home as we live in the boonies and the roads don't get cleared....


Now as for the dualie owner, i'm sure his boss will be impressed by his excuse "i got stuck in my parking lot" as he's actually a plow driver who just came home for a few hours sleep lol

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"SNOW DAY????", what the heck is that?


I hear ya Tom. I remember the 96 storm too. I didn't get any mail for 3 weeks because the sidewalks took that long to get plowed. I cleared the walk to my front door to the city owned sidewalk. It stopped at a 5 foot wall of snow. The street in front of my house was one lane and probably had 20 foot high banks. I wish I had a digi cam back then. I've had similar photos e mailed to me from around the world that rivaled that storm. And do you remember that a day or two after the storm it was something like -42C? Those were the days my friend. I thought they'd never end. We'd sing and laugh.... Oh, never mind. You know what I mean.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I thought I'd resurect this thread as he did it again! Same guy in the office who couldn't come to work because his snow blower wouldn't start, can't come in today because he has some fallen branchs from his front tree, he needs to take a chain saw to!

Heck, I have lots of branches on my front lawn and I'm here! Tomorrow is Saturday, I can clean it up then! Some people will do anything to get out of work!


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Funny you mention that Wayne! As a matter of fact, he is on salary and my commisions pay it! I'm not sure which of us is the smarter one, but I just can't seem to shake this instilled work ethic I'm saddled with!

I come to work because that's what I'm supposed to do! If I had stayed home today, the guilt would have gotten the best of me! My boss/business partner says she wants to clone me! LOL


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