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There is something VERY wrong with this picture!!


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As Sportsman/Sportswomen I like to think we are also generally associated/concerned about the health and welfare of all natures creatures.. That is why this article appals me and enrages me..


How can a organization that is suppose to care for animals be so mis-managed and fraudulent as the TORONTO HUMANE SOCIETY is?


It is time someone is held accountable for this blatant abuse of animals..


Now before you think I am going all P3TA... that is the furtherest thing from the truth. I have a healthy respect for all creatures that share our earth, even the tasty ones... but cruelty is cruelty, plain and simple... and this I believe is tantamount to animal cruelty



Part 1 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1164168/


Part 2 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1160810/


Part 3 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1162134/




I will let you be the judge..


See the article, pictures and video... shocking!



Edited by Gerritt
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All I can say is WOW, I already give to Cancer. Cant afford now to give to animals. Not sure what to think about this article. At first I thought it was exposing Greed and misappropriation of funds, to a Give to Humane Society. Kind of a Red Herring article.

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As Sportsman/Sportswomen I like to think we are also generally associated/concerned about the health and welfare of all natures creatures.. That is why this article appals me and enrages me..


How can a organization that is suppose to care for animals be so mis-managed and fraudulent as the TORONTO HUMANE SOCIETY is?


It is time someone is held accountable for this blatant abuse of animals..


Now before you think I am going all P3TA... that is the furtherest thing from the truth. I have a healthy respect for all creatures that share our earth, even the tasty ones... but cruelty is cruelty, plain and simple... and this I believe is tantamount to animal cruelty



Part 1 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1164168/


Part 2 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1160810/


Part 3 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1162134/




I will let you be the judge..


See the article, pictures and video... shocking!





So you always have to post about the bad in everything?



... take a Prozac and eat an ice cream cone, maybe that will cheer you up! :rolleyes:

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I've been following this in the news, as well as the papers, and it makes me sick....

I'd like to see the whole dam system changed.

Licences, and manditory steralization should be required for pets or pay for a breeders licence

Illegal mills should be shut down and prosecuted severly.

You want to change this scenario...

There are 2 ways to do it.


Increase funds which we don't have, or change the laws to make the responsibilty of ownership the law, and punishment severe.

Edited by Cookslav
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