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Fallen Soldier Returns Home


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Supporting the troops means bringing them home from a war based on proven lies and deceit which is unjust. I respect the troops, which is why I would not like to see further Canadian lives wasted in an unwinnable war, Stephen Harper just said it today. The war is bankrupting our nation.

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Supporting the troops means bringing them home from a war based on proven lies and deceit which is unjust



So Your saying the Taliban did not Harbour terrorists, Support massive opium & heroin supplies, and they don't support or spur MASSSIVE human rights retractions by say....Throwing dang Corrosive ACID on CHILDRENS Faces for simply going to School!

Your saying the general public of Afghanistan wants us out, and the Taliban back in eh?

Your saying we were not asked to join and extend our presence in this "JOINT EFFORT" as part of a NATO/U.N initiative to support this mission?

What part are the lies?

Please supply some credible links...enlighten to these lies.

If the Taliban are wanted by Afghanistan citizens and are just generally nice civilized folk I think we should get the word out there.:blahblah1:


These brave men and women of our armed forces are over there fighting with free will and believe in their cause...they lay down their lives for this, and you think the way to support them is to bring them home???

What your asking is a slap in the face to soldiers and the families of those who serve, and especially those who died.

Ask them how they feel about it some time and I think you'll find your assumption is way off of where they stand...I know because I Have.


Its easy to be an armchair quarterback, and I suppose I'm no more an expert then you, but if you want them out ask yourself why?

Is it because you support a Taliban rule in Afghanistan, or is it because you think its just not our fight?

One is just wrong IMO, and the other is not only wrong, but Cowardice.

A pull out leaves a horrible situation to fester...


We need to honor our commitment.

Edited by Cookslav
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here's the real rub we have one guy from Kitchener and one guy from North Battleford who are fiercely supporting this unwinable war because they feel it's there obligation.


The guy from Kitchener can not seem to comprehend a sentence as nowhere did I say people along the 401 did not support the troops. What I inferred was that corridor contained enough third world immigrants such as 250,000 tamil tigers to wage a pretty good war in Canada.


The other pencil head from Saskatoon keeps calling me chuky in every other word and assumes I come from somewhere other than Canada. My family goes back 4 generations in this country and they came from Britain before that.


Even our illustrious prime minister says this occupation is bankrupting the country. Obama wants to pull out as well.


If the two patriots feel that strongly about protecting Canada from the Afghans why not sign up with the armed services and go there. In other words what have you two patriotic Canadians done to help the cause .Besides run off at the mouths . Have you actually sent money to the government to support the war? Have you knitted socks for the troops?


Believe me I feel as bad for the families as you do. I have witnessed soldiers being loaded in body bags for a trip home and it is real easy to be patriots when your 10.000 miles from the nearest gun.


I went to South east Asia for two years and watched personnally many more Americans than what Canada

has lost to date.


I don't beleive I said anything about the American population in General . I have friends and relatives that live in the USA being a dual citizen (see Vietnam). I say that Bush and friends done a lot of damage to that country.


Finally you two guys that will fall for anything ... try watching more than CNN

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