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Kipawa Lake


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Hi There,


I have fished the north and south ends of this awesome lake for 8 yrs. There is a lot of water to cover. It is like any other lake, if you find them you will hit 50-100 fish between 2-3 people. If you can't find them you might as well troll for lakers in 20 ft.


Although jigger08 comments are not entirely accurate there is some truth to it. It all depends on ice out. I have been there on opening week when ice out was early and we HAMMERED those beauties. I have also had SLOW opening weeks, that's when we went for lakers.


I recommend Kipawa Pavillion Lodge run by Wayne Moreau. The resort location and the service is awesome!!!


PS. The Pickerel are BLUE and they taste great!


Good Luck

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I was checked once on my lake in N/W Quebec by an OPP boat with an officer driving and a C.O. in the bow.

I happened to have a couple of cans of Bud in a small cooler at my feet when they approached out of nowhere.

Have to admit I was a bit concerned until they pulled alongside to check licenses and the waves of rye emanating from the C.O. almost knocked me over. I actually had to turn my head away from him it was so bad LOL!

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  • 3 years later...

I own a cottage near Kipawa and have been out there almost every weekend for the last couple years.


Kipawa is a beautiful lake. Make sure you know where you are going as it's easy to get lost.

Lots of good opportunities for fishing but as mentioned earlier, it can be tough until the water settles down after the spring thaw.


As for minnows, make sure they are dead and also that they are bought in Quebec. If you import minnows from Ontario, big fines.


Now, the drinking thing--here's my experience. My neighbor was with 2 guys and was stopped by a CO with a QPP in the boat as well. They checked the licenses and saw the empties laying on the bottom of the boat. Some bottles, some cans. All they asked to see were the bottle caps and they counted them to make sure they matched the number of bottles in the boat. If they hadn't shown them, it would have been a fine for littering. QPP talked to the driver to see if he was impaired and he wasn't, just had a few. "good luck boys!" End of the story.

To be honest, I enjoy bringing a couple when I go out for an evening troll after supper. It's a relaxing feeling to be able to enjoy a few pops in the boat without the fear of a prick OPP taking your drivers license over it.

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