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ice report/xmas fishing

pike slayer

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hey everyone, instead of sticking at home with the family for xmas i was up early and i headed out to the lake for some fishing action. i went with my brother, my old foreman from my old shop and his buddy. we were there for 8am and did the hike out to the point as you can see in one of the pictures. There was a solid 12inches of ice and about a foot of snow on the lake. Fishing was pretty slow throughout the whole day. we were hoping for some walleyes but didnt even see one or any perch. Only small pike were taking our offerings. The pike were biting really funny. they would just suck on the minnow and not rush it like a freight train. 3/4 of the fish we got were on still lines. we'd give the line a shake then a second later the line would go down almost like they were just looking at the minnow waiting for some wild action. between the 4 of us we got 15 pike bringing home 9 of them. there was nothing of any real size to brag about, they were around the 24" mark. the pics were taken on my phone so they might be a bit poor quality but i hope you enjoy anyways. Gavin




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thanks limeyangler. i either carve them up use some fish crisp and fry them up in some oil or do the poor mans lobster. i tend to screw up the poor mans lobster either cooking it to much or not enough. yup i;ve eaten pretty much raw pike before hahahaha. the way i do it usually all depends on where the fish come from. if the pike come from a really weedy lake i do the poor mans lobster, if i head up northward towards chapleau i fish these pike lakes with next to no weeds and the pikes skin is almost black and i fry them up, they are sooo rich you can only eat a couple pieces.

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