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Alright, Ready for Ice (now that it's melting)


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Under and around the Christmas tree this morning among luggage and t-shirts were two large boxes with my name on them. Inside the first box which was as tall as me was a big black box labelled "Cabelas". I was unsure what this behemoth was until I opened it up and found a Cabelas Excursion 3 man ice shelter! Apparently there were reviews on this thing saying it was like setting up a tent, so we tested it in the backyard (well parking lot) and found it was much, much simpler than a tent. Simply pop out the four sides, anchor it and you're good to go. Very roomy inside, a little escape flap for the FilthBQ smoke to go through and four removable/zippable windows. The stitching is the only part that made us uneasy but we decided if we're going out in any more hurricanes this season we'll be renting a hut rather than wrestle with a portable anyway.


The second box which was marked "fragile" and Sugarpacket wouldn't let me touch was much smaller than the first. But it's not the size that counts, as she told me a few months into dating.


Inside the box was a bright label "FISH TV PLUS" and I was like "awww, a season of that local cable fishing show" but it turns out it was in fact an underwater camera. Played around with it in the basement (already used Red Devil's last season) and I really like it. Comes with the sun shield and hookups for 12V power (which means I can hook it to my battery pack). If not it runs on 5 billion C batteries. lol The camera looks like a chrome bluegill from Nanticoke, so my first modification will be installing musky hooks on it. lol It's got red LED lights that you can adjust the brightness with, which will make night ice action a whole new world of awesome.


Now if anybody tries to say their wife/girlfriend is better than Sugarpacket I'd like to see the proof!


I hope everybody else had as great a Christmas as our family did, presents or not time with family can't be replaced. I enjoyed getting some sweet @ss fishing gear but enjoyed seeing Splenda with his new toys a lot more.


The ice hut couple with my new footy flannel long underwear should make this a comfortable ice season.. if the ice lasts! *fingers crossed*


Merry Christmas to all members of OFC and thank you for your support in 2008!

Edited by Rich
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Rich it sounds like we got almost the same stuff but I get to pick my second gift I gots the camera now its off to look for the flasher what to get Heck I dont know I thought about the showdown but have no clue anymore.


Congratz on the new hut and camera and you are right the family is the best part we just got back from moms again it sure is nice to have them around to talk to.


Cheers Mike

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Hey Buddy nice haul on the hut and the fish TV, heck now all you need is some decent ice eh! Family is important this time of year more than ever and to spend the time in a portable hut with wife and child watching Fish TV.....well just can't be beat. You got a keeper there Rich....she spoils you. But you might be jealous just a little of one of the gifts my wife bought me................................................. B)




Have a good holiday and cya soon on the hard stuff.

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Took the camera out for a test run for an hour tonight, ice was still okay on the pond we were at, probably 6 - 8 inches but we didn't venture far. Spotted a bluegill and a little carp laying on bottom. The bluegill spooked right away at the sight of the camera lights but the carp just sat there and watched then eventually backed off a bit.


Neither one wanted to bite but it was cool just to do some "sight seeing"!

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