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How to keep my feet warm in below zero temps ?


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I'll say it again!!! Polypropylene!!!! All last winter waiting for the slush to disappear and standing on an ice shelf for hours...I wear hodgman breathables and used to bulk up starting at the feet...not anymore!!! No cotton!!! Poly...wool and you're laughing. It may be that hot Greek blood pulsing through my veins or that Macedonian stew I eat, but.......I WAS TOASTY. Oh ya, forgot to mention, no alcohol, but you knew that. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Goin to BPS on the way home .... Does anyone know of anywhere less expensive to pick up the Polypropylene socks....BPS like to bend you over for everthing <_<


Yes , Virm the GRAF does help, LOL !!! My girl is Masi so I have picked up a few new meals

Edited by JDMLS
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Goin to BPS on the way home .... Does anyone know of anywhere less expensive to pick up the Polypropylene socks....BPS like to bend you over for everthing <_<


Don't know where your located, but if it's anywhere near downtown Toronto, try Mountain Equipment Co-Op at King & Spadina


They specialize top of the line outdoor gear and their prices are excellent too.

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