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Need help choosing a float rod


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I started river fishing this year, and only started salmon/trout fishing maybe 2-3 weeks ago, and loving it!

im currently using a 10' convergence and a 2500 series spinning reel as my main gears.


i would like to pick up a centerpin asap so i'll be ready for this winter. 95% chance im going to pick up the okuma sheffield, but the raven sst2 is also very tempting.. :wallbash:


but my main concern is the rod selection. I've looked into the raven im9 13'6 and a few other float rods...still can't decide.


my budget is approx $500 (early xmas present for myself). so that leaves about $200-250 to buy a rod.


i know there are many float fishermen on this board, please give the noob some advice..lol

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In that price range I'd reccomend either a 13 or 14' Raven IM8, or a 13' Rainshadow RX7.

The Loomis Frontier line of rods are actually Rainshadow RX7 blanks, so they're worth a look as well.

Whichever is the cheaper of the two, that's the one I'd buy.

Also, in that price range I'd buy a factory built rod rather than have a blank built.

Reason being, if say for instance the tip breaks, getting a new tip is a much easier and cheaper process.

I say this 'cause the tip on my custom Raven 14' IM8 just broke and it's going to be a long drawn out and expensive process to get the new tip fitted then have it re-wrapped...

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I fish a Raven 14' IM8 and its a great rod for the price range. (its not custom btw).

Its right in your 200-250 slot and is a nice balance between the IM6 and IM9 as far as action.

Only gripe is its a 3 piece........which wasnt much of a concern when i was shopping around. Its definitely a thorn in my side some days.

Friend of mine is making a 13' 2piece now out of the rainshadow blank and I will be able to fish that and if I like it, i am going to have him make me one just so i have a 2 piece

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What size water are you going to be fishing?


I have float rods in sizes 9'6", 10'6", 11'6", 12'6", 13'6" and to be honest for the east tribs 95% of the time Ill use the 11'6" or even the 10 and a half footer. I find the 13'6" to be too much rod for the smaller rivers, of course there are some days where you get into a run of big fish and get pulled around a little with the shorter rod wishing the bigger one was in your hand but in general the shorter 12'6" and less is enough rod to handle any steel around here and its easier to deal with in the car and walking through the bush.


side note...are you planning to fish in the deep of winter? If so a longer rod does help to keep the line off the ice at the sides of the creek when fighting a fish.


I just built a st.croix and I love it, unreal feel and more power than I expected. Also have a Fenwick which has been my go to stick since I got into steelheading 5 years ago and the longest rod is an okuma that feels like a piece of spaghetti that has been boiled for an hour but it sure does haul ars on big fish.


Morale of the story? It doesnt really matter which rod you choose because in two years you probably will have a collection large enough to stock a small shop.




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SST2 is a very nice and performs well I fished one this weekend and was very surprised I would grab that. As for a rod raven now offers lifetime warranty I believe grab a im 8 if your going raven. I have the im 6 and find it to soft, the im 9 will be heavy and a real beater still a good rod. Also rainshadows are nice rx7 are the same as frontiers like solo said so ether a frontier or rainshadow are good choices. Rainshadow still covers warranty (limited lifetime I believe) not sure about frontier anymore. A rod I have heard good about that I am building soon is the new rainshadow xst 13 foot blank reviews state it fishes similar to the much loved imx. Take care welcome to the dark side and enjoy tying roe bags because you will dread it after a few times.

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thanks for all the help guys.


i went and did some shopping today after class.

tightline is currently selling the raven im8 14' for $199

another local tackle shop has the streamside 13' for $96


i believe my main concern is finding a rod with enough backbone. I've tried the convergence 12'6 and it was flimsy as hell.


my buddy told me choosing a rod is 100 times more difficult than finding a reel..hes so right :(

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Depends how much back bone you want both the im 8 and rainshadow have nice backbone but not over kill. I fished a sst2 on a stream side rod this weekend the combo is light in weight the rod isn’t bad it was almost like a frontier. For 96 bucks the rod is not bad and I would seriously lean toward the sst2 over the sheffield. The sst2 is light and less vulnerable to dirt and dust the sheffield will be a dirt and dust magnet because its ported. I also find the sst2 to have a better start up.

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Go with the Raven SST2 ... The sheffield looks nice , but just doesn't perform as well as the SST2 or 3 .... If your stuck on the Sheffield pick it up on Ebay .. see link below.. this guy has great prices and is local so , no tax





As for a rod under $250... I would pick up the St.Croix wild river 13' light action . Personally I think its under rated at 2-6LB. I would say it is more like 4-10lb. Fished mine 10 years for rainbows and salmon and it has held up very well. The Raven IM8 is a nice rod as well but I found it heavier than the St. Croix when I held them both in comparison. Also as others have stated the Raven Warranty is not very quick with the replacements ... I have an Okuma Aventa 13ft rod as well as a beater rod and was quite impressed with it for a $100 rod. Plus as a rookie your gonna damage up your first rod and Okuma is lifetime warranty , and will give you a direct replacement over the counter in at KTL inMississauga if you break it .




Any way you look at it you will upgrade your entry level arsenal within 2 years , LOL !!! I would probably pick up a used combo to start out as you will get a better quality rod and reel for the same money .. Just look at it as "worked in" not "used" ... check out the classifieds on www.floatfishing.net


Yaaaaa so I just noticed you ordered a combo already ... leaving my 2 cents up anyway

Edited by JDMLS
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