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added some walleye inches for team #3


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Here is one you can add for us coach, just brought our 22 incher walleye entry up to 29 inches adding 7 inches for our team B)


Headed out on Erie today with a few great fishin buddies. day started off not too great...lightning soon as I pulled into the marina, sky looked crap and a decent wind. We hummed and hawed a little bit and decided to give it a go anyways after letting the big thunder head roll past for about 45 minutes while shooting the :blahblah1: beside the boat. Good thing we headed out in a 27 footer boat today as it was pretty bumpy on the way out, got out set up the gear and fished for a heck of a long time before we got into anything. Fished for a while and only came up with 2 sheepies and a silver bass between us. Didn't get into any walleye until this afternoon we winded up boating 9 with a couple missed fish..3 sheepies and 1 silver bass altogether for the day. Action was fast at the end of the day, we probably boated 5 of the walleye in the last hour. Too bad I had to rush out of there while the bite was hot because my wife had to work :dunno: we rushed back to the dock for a couplew quick pics, and I mean quick because I had to run fast and at that,I grabbed my 2 fish I was bringing home and high tailed it. I still made my wife late for work...don't gotta hear about that until about 10 tongith though when she gets home,didn't have time to chew me out when I got home, I hopped out of the car and she hopped in it and went to work.


Some pics of the day to come later when I get them..like I said when we got back to the dock I had to go as quick as I could


Here is a pic I took when I got home, looks like a 29 incher in there to me....grab this one and post it up for our team Greencoachdog :Gonefishing:





you know you came home with a couple nice one when you get 20 incher fillets out of the deal :clapping:







Will share more pics after I get em.

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here is a couple more pics from the day...man what a day for big fish this was, great average for the afternoon.


a quick pic before I made the mad dash for the car to get home for the wife to go to work...hmmm good going on my buddy's camera for saying we got the fish 2 days from now :P






and here is what we brought back to the dock




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WOOO HOO!!! great going!!! :thumbsup_anim:


I believe I'll update those inches right now!!!


Looks like y'all had a great day!!! :clapping:


told ya in the discussion thread I would be coming home today with a few inches to add ;) , luck would have it I am going to camp for a couple days too so when I get back...pike inches for sure :thumbsup_anim: doubt I am gonna catch a 29 incher up there for walleye, and well we already have 51 inches on the board for muskies..so it's going to take a serious kick tail fish to top that entry :Gonefishing: , yeah for the good guys...we are closing the gap..kick a.s.s. and take no prisoners :w00t:

Edited by jwl
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