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Sunday 22/06/08


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Well day started out with me with no one to fish with out of my boat, so i went with my two buddies and we had decided to hit erie for some eye's, launch out of port colburne, get just past the break wall and holy crap ,not the wind the weather had forcasted, decided for plan #2 and fished in side the break wall, usually not a very productive place at best, but today it was on fire, we boated 11 of 20 fish with the last being a nice muskie caught by my buddy Kevin, and yes today i couldn' pay to get a fish in the boat, call it bad luck because i wasn't in my boat or what, i lost everything at the side of the boat includding a nice muskie that followed me the hole way, all in all a great day with somme great friend!!!





All fish were released quickly especially the musky!!

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JAck we checked the regs and it stated 500 metres south which puts us out past the break walls to the left allittle and they have a floating buoy there stating that, If for some resaon we were in the wrong i i personally aplogize as we read the regs quite intensivly, and felt we were o.k where we were, if i felt at all in doubt of where we were i would not have posted, nor would we have fished there, Again if we were wrong i apoligize, but again i feel we were with in our boundaries, heck this was the first time any of us fished our own waters in fear of disturbing any of our local spots, we've been fishing the U.S side till today.


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this is one of those stupid "grey areas" walleyeman as far as the sanctuary in there goes...they need to make things a bit more clear...seems kinda dumb at best at the same time that you can not fish in one spot cuz it's a sanctuary but paddle 2 strokes over and it's ok. makes it tough to know where you can fish, specially this year with some areas being closed in the spring ect that have always been open for pike for example.


I never fish a few spots this time of year just for the simple fact that the closed areas and stuff are some dam confusing so I just don't fish em until I know for sure they are open, kinda leaves ya feeling like this :blink::dunno:


Just for curiosity sake I am gonna try and ask a couple of the MNR contacts I have from some of the volunteer work I do in the spring for some walleye enhancement projects about this. They are out in the field, help set the regs, help regulate the commercial fisheries and set consumption guidlines as well as 1 or 2 biologists and they are also part of LEMU as well ( Lake Erie Management Unit) and see if we can get some answers..cuz if they can't give out a clear cut answer then it's time to step up as anglers and stuff and contact them with some concerns from the anglers side of the coin.


The MNR actually really values alot of angler input when it comes to deciding areas that should be sanctuaries, biodiversity studies..such as the angler's diaries that the NPCA put out and alot of this info is then in turn used to decide if any changes are needed...ya just can;t do it in a pushy kind of way...ya can't make it seem like you are storming in on them calling them out saying stuff like how come it took so long to get the regs out?...how come this and that kind of thing..you have to "work" with them



cheers man, I hope it didn't seem like I was trying to cause trouble or call you out ect on the board..I am way not like that at all, these are things I want to know too...I always try to keep up on the regs, always have..always will and some stuff still confuses me and like I said there are some spots over the years I simply don't even fish until the whole area is open

Edited by jwl
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Guest Johnny Bass

That sucks when every one is catching fish in the boat but you, but at least you found where the fish are. Now you have to figure out how to catch them. Some nice pike and a musky there. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for the reply Jack. Ya it sucks somedays not catching fish, i have 2 of the best fishin buddies around and would not have changed anything that day at all, sometimes it's not all about the fishing but the fun you have doing it, and man my guts are still killing me from laughing so hard all morning long, it's the best theraphy in the world, we've been doing a sunday fish for almost 8 or 7 years now and the only thng that stops us is crappy weather, we usually meet up around 5 a.m and fish till noon, then head home for some familly time.

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Yet another Erie musky, awesome to see. I've been hearing reports of, and seeing from buddies at work pics of, a lot more muskies being caught out this way in the last couple of years. Great to see.


Nice pike too!

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here is an answer from a contact I have in the MNR..Tom MacDougall, who is a biologist, and part of LEMU he took the time to try and help us out here and I really appreciate that. Once again, the tools are there for us to use if we care to do so..and we as ethical anglers are a valuable resource to the MNR as well as they are to us. :Gonefishing:



here is the email response and a map that Tom sent me..... :)



I think I need to CORRECT what I told you the other day.


I’ve never been around Colborne in the spring and had to look up the sanctuary boundaries to refresh my memory.


I also spoke to one of our port observers – who participates in putting out buoys that mark the boundaries.




There is a sanctuary that is inshore from a line that runs between Sugar Loaf point and the park by the boat launch.


When I draw a line on the map, it looks as if only part of the “big bay” is closed to fishing. Most of the area close to the breakwalls is not included.


I’m sending along a picture of where I think the line runs. It should be marked with in-water buoys. Use the picture as an APPROXIMATE idea of where the line runs; the buoys will be more accurate












I hope this helps you out walleyemen


any other questions, I will be more than happy to try and have them answered for you


cheers man


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Thanks for the clarification Jack, we were fishing from the middle of the bottom break wall, there is a 2y painted on the wall, and drifting north east to the little wall by the factory, glad to know we were not in the wrong, at least from i understand from the map, thanks for doing the foot work, still nice to now someone still cares enough to go the extra mile, thanks again ,and we'll have to get out for a fish sometime in your boat or mine!


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