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I was thinking of trying the whirl pool some time next week or on the weekend. It'll be my first time going down there so I don't wana take the one way road that takes you to the states. Can anyone pm me the directions or post which road/street I turn on and were I can park. Thanks

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depending on where you are coming from, you might wanna save your time and gas money.


all the wind we been having around here makes the pool a mess with floating debris, and tis the season the moss and grassy stuff starts to grow thick. It's too late for any good trout fishing with this warm weather, bass is still closed, about the only thing ya could fish for really down there right now is carp :dunno:


If you do head down in the near furture remember a couple things...if you go down there really early in the morning the water will be low , all the rocks leading down to the water will be slippery as crap....then also you will see after about 8;30-10 in the morning the water will start to rise so don't stray too far from your gear as it will not take long to be under water, you will easily see the high water mark...once it peaks max level it will stay that way until later in the evening then start to go down again...during the rise and fall of the water levels the fishing isd pretty much spent for a while until it';s levels off both ways, high and low levels. :Gonefishing:

Edited by jwl
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If you do head down in the near furture remember a couple things...if you go down there really early in the morning the water will be low , all the rocks leading down to the water will be slippery as crap....then also you will see after about 8;30-10 in the morning the water will start to rise so don't stray too far from your gear as it will not take long to be under water, you will easily see the high water mark...once it peaks max level it will stay that way until later in the evening then start to go down again...during the rise and fall of the water levels the fishing isd pretty much spent for a while until it';s levels off both ways, high and low levels.

You forget to add,the water rises fast. Been there done that. Reminds me of the song

5 feet and rising


Great response JWL.

Edited by misfish
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I know that water very well and all points in between in the Niagara Gorge,I grew up in Niagara Falls, and fished the lower river from the shore avidly since I was about 12 years old when my mom decided it was ok for me to hike down there with my cousin or some freinds without any grownups around. Got about 27 years experience fishing that water


I have a pretty good idea of what is biting,what time of year, and how to get em ;):Gonefishing:

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BE CAREFUL of the trails heading down, especially after a rain fall.


The last time I was there, the trail were all ruined, I hope it got fix by then, I would take as much time as I can to get to head down there.


I would agree with JWL about his report this time of the year, unless you are use to chugging lures of its current, and experience in fishing it in the past, it is better that you hold off for few more weeks until the moss were gone and water is more clearer. There are lots of fish there but hard to catch them, tons of hang ups where fish are hording mostly at the bottom, the current is more constant 15 feet down below as it is on the surface.


All Said, the scenery is very nice and hard to beat. The work out hiking can be challenging!

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this time of year, you are pretty much better off to fish really early in the morninglike first light until maybe 9-10 in the morning tops. Early in the morning the water is at it's lowest it will be for the day, the current is slower and way less stuff floating around in the water. Once the water starts to go up, this is a big transition time for the fish, it get's the fish on the move and not much into feeding, and as the water rises, the cuurrent picks up and then all the crap gets flushed down river and the whirlpool is where most of the debris end sup and hangs in there for a while..weeds, logs, garbage, whatever floats down river and it hangs up in the whirlpool for a couple days some times before making it's way down stream. After the water gets to the high water mark for the day the fishing starts to pick up again but then you have to be aware of the billion more sngas out there..basically put everything you walk across to get to the water's edge at first light with be what you arefishing into and over in the afternoon when the water is at high level. If you aren't well versed in fishing and readin that type of heavy current then be prepared to lose a pile of tackle, even guys like me who have almost 30 years experience fishing that water have days where the river eats half our tackle boxes :o:lol:


Only bring what you think you may need for the day as well..although people are all gung-ho to head down there and maybe try a new fishing spot for the day with bells on, the way back up isn't going to have the same appeal.


Remeber to be careful on the rocks in the morning heading to the water's edge, they are slippery like you wouldn't believe, and when ya get down to the water..look behind you at the high water mark cuz that's where you will be fishing later in the day..the water comes up pretty quick once it starts..it will be at high volume within like an hour or so, and if you decide to do some exploring stay on the paths, and be careful, the Niagara Gorge and River aren't very forgiving places at the best of times.

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