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night time fishing?

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nobody there at my new honey hole... just me and the rain and then the moon and then the rain...

got the bows in the rain,... but none in the moonlight? go figure...


and unfortunately, i left my camera back at my trailer charging the batteries! :wallbash:


had 7 bows on,, landed four,,, kept one.


Questions for the night time fishers here:


Do u use glow in the dark lures / baits?


How about using or not using a leader at night time?



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Nicely done.


I have done well using glow in the dark crappie tube jigs.


I always use a leader lighter than my mainline. If I snag up, I hopefully won't lose my float.

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i was drifting with BIG fat worms on 8lb main line and 4lb leader.. i also wrapped a bright "glow type" piece of orange yarn o nthe head of the #8 hook.


Only snagged up once and was glad i had the leader on as i thought i had more night lites than i actually did..... duhhhh! lol


I could get a pic of the one i kept... but it might look a "little stiff" coming out of the freezer.



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night time fishing gear and technique?


I have only night fished from my "honey hole"( no waders needed) so far, but think i want to try a couple of spots on the Maitland river that I am pretty familiar with(in the daytime).


I will be fishing with a friend as well for safety sake too.


i have two hat lights and am thinking about getting one of those collapsable walking sticks for the river.


Any other suggestions would be appreciated.


Thanx again

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The only suggestion is to keep a some bug spray...just in case the mosquitoes decide to hatch!!!


You seem to be pretty level headed and the common sense things have been mentioned....like avoid fishing alone, lights, walking stick. Extra batteries for the lights, hand warmer if it gets cold....other than that, you're good to go.


Good luck out there.

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Thought about doing this myself. How well can you actually see the water?


Depends on the moon...the moon is your friend when night fishing. You're bait is silhouetted so the fish can see it. Trout see red VERY well, so avoid wearing that as well....although it's not as important at night....may as well have any advantage you can get.

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We night fish all the time and the only thing I can add is for you to try bottom fishing the lake near the mouth. Just remember all the drop backs have to go past you into the lake the same as all the fish who go up have to go past you too. Wading in the water is fine too but, it is a blast to sit on the beach or pier in a chair....(depending on which river) I know some people will call it lining but we just blow up a worm or use a roe bag with floaters in it. Use a clip on light stick on the rod and wait for that signature tap-tap-tap.... Be real careful taking those clip on lights off more than one buddy has taken one off when it is below zero only to find their two piece is now a custom 3 piece rod.... Sometimes we fish all night other times we fish from dusk till 2Am or so then grab a cat nap in the car, with the cell phone alarm set. Wake up about 4:30AM to get the best spot and fish till 9AM or so. It is amazing how cold you can get though when she's howling about 30 to 40KM winds and it is only 3 to 5 degrees out even if you in the car trying to sleep.


Also fish the piers on erie all night using a clip on light for perch two or three nights during the summer too. Amazing the number of drunks who stumble out to see what you are doing too especially since they are no bars in these towns LOL.


When I am drift fishing at night I use the Lindy Nite Brite and I have caught tons of fish both rainbow and salmon in the fall with that set up. This spring though the water was always so pristine it didn't work, although as soon as I could see well enough to turn the light off I would get hits right away some mornings using that float.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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