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The US has lost millions of jobs, and deeper in debt. 20 dollar an hour jobs lost 12 dollar an hour job replacing it, not only hurts people but not a comparable revenue stream into the tax coffers, eg. more borrowing more debt, coupled with rampant spending by our government?


Basic rule, you spend more than you take in, your in debt, if people can`t afford to buy your products because they don`t have jobs? Your gone? Do I keep a roof over my head or buy your outboard?


A lot of manufactures have priced themselves out of business expecting double digit growth and profit rates, for them and their 7 and 8 digit executives.

Posted (edited)
  OhioFisherman said:
Cheap labor is an American tradition!




And yes they continue to spin cheap labor as a good thing, it is, for the business owner.



It also is for the consumer too! We squawk about the outrageous prices today, and the unions want more money for less work which drives the prices even higher... which makes the unions want more money for less work which drives the prices higher... Which makes China the worlds machine shop.


We only have our selves to blame for this, take a look around your house and see how many things come from other countries. If we wouldn't buy foriegn products there wouldn't be a market for them... but you look at your wallet when you need something and then compare prices and our dollars buy more for less overseas.

Edited by Greencoachdog
Posted (edited)

All the talk about outboards, your not going to afford the gas to run them. Better get some ores or a sail. Someones got to invent a Hybrid boat.

Gerritt if you, Spiel and myself get out fishing in the same boat, that should give us enough hot air to troll. :whistling::D:D:D

Edited by Fish Farmer

LOL Fish, 35 hp merc and it was rare for me to use a 6 gallon tank of fuel in a day, had the foot on the electric most of the time. One benefit of having smaller bodies of water to fish, 3000 acre inland lake here is pretty big.


Glen, for the most part unions try to maintain the standard of living for their members, not unreasonable to expect slow steady improvement in wages and working conditions. Yes some abuses and heavily publicized in the past, abuses by executives just recently started getting equal time.


Corporate pay goes up to 300 times their pay of 30 years ago and they complain when the worker asks for more? and wages aren`t up 4 times of 30 years ago? No increase in the minimum wage for like 10 years, but congress increases it`s pay 10 or 20 times, and wonders why the country is in trouble? LOL and still spends money like a sailor on a night out?


Bear Stearns? typical, millions pad to executives that broke the bank? By the taxpayer? The smartest minds in the country know how to abuse or spin it to the rest.

Posted (edited)

DANG... and I was wondering where you'd got to... three pages in :D


Also note that BRP already has a mfg plant in China... and been there pre-2004

Edited by irishfield
  irishfield said:
Also note that BRP already has a mfg plant in China.


Dang it, I thought they were the only "North American" option left.

I 'spose thats the end of that. Bummer 'cuz I really like those motors.


Do they allow Sailboats in Bass Tourneys ???


"Hard to starboard, tighten the jib...we only have 3 minutes til weigh in"





Hookset.. BRP's main outboard motor plants are in Sturtevant, Wisconsin... but their small motors/components/parts and accessories are manufactured in Juarez, Mexico and Electronic parts and small outboards in Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

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