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Work In Progress


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Hello All,


In keeping with sharing of ideas and techniques in this section I thought I'd give updates as my latest painting evolves.


Unfortunately I should have had this idea a while ago as it is well under way.


If you knew me anything could change from this point as I go along. The idea is a gravel river bed and possibly a dying salmon--maybe a white tail--giving her a last go.


Mountains will likely change a bit--I'm not satisfied there yet.





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Apologies for the slow update but I finally got back at this one recently.


I wanted to clean up the background and get the water to a point I could live with. I tweeked my background Mountains and should be ready to get some or "A" fish in there now.


Wish me luck I think I'll need it.





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Ok I got back it recently (suffer from a back injury so I paint when it lets me)


I did not like those mountains---I "hazed them some"


Far shore was crying for a rock shoreline so it's there


Put a feeder creek on other side


I actually have tried a salmon in different poses but I was'nt happy---my last attempt let gave me an idea so I put the river back together and I think I'm ready now.





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Ok on a snowy day I'm thinking artwork.


Put the subject in and is just about there---going to shade a bit more--course my wife the art critic thought it should be a sockeye but I fished chinook for too many years---so I probably owe them one.


I'm going to put a shadowed fish in deeper water.


I'll attach a close-up on another screen





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I think I'm soon complete here---I will probably touch a few small things the camera has showed me but It will not be noticeable.


I'm fairly happy with this. I threw a couple buddies under the surface near the subject and adjusted the feeder creek.


Again I'll attach a close up.


Keep yur line in the water





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