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~~~Back to Lake IWHTKY, with the Buds


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~~~Well decided to take Walleyedreamer, up to Lake AWKMIIT, along with Kris. Left my place at 5 to meet up with Kris, Slug, and Shovel at Tim's in Minden at 7:30, great ride up to about just N. of Sutherland a heavy cloud had sat on the road, restricting our view to about 30', and every so often you hit a dip in the road, and you be just under it, or hit a hill and you be over. Seem to be in a narrow swat, because the road would twist away and we were out of it, and as we traveled along 48 to ward 35 we would be in it again only not as long. Got a call Kris is 20 min. behind us, and got another call, S&S are running 45 min.s behind, and will meet us at the lake. Got to Tim's and reloaded on coffee, and throne room usage, when Kris arrived 10 min. later, and we were off.

~~ Got to the lake and no one about great first on, right away I headed to the spot I had last week, and got settled in, with WD punching holes for every one, we got to work. Kris baiting up



and Karol, and WD also


The morning started out great no wind temp, was -5, and the sun was comen out, and then S&S arrived, and forgot a major Murphy's Law, and how gravity works, comen down on to the lake they spilled their load and the minnows. Shovel true to his name shoveled them back as quick as he could and raced out to us for some water.

Great now the gangs all here lets get down to some phishen. Was marking phish up high about 30' and some on bottom in 48', and yes yours truly was the first to yell "Phish On" and put this nice beauty on ice


Kris had one hit after another, phish were playing tag with him, and he was IT, poor WD he had a rod with a bell on it and the phish were Knock Knock with him, the bell would ring he run over to hit and there was no one there, this went on for about an Hour, and finally with us yelling at him he took it off, and the phish left him alone, for the rest of the day.

Shovel was next to land a Laker, he was bring it up real slow, when Wham Something hit it, almost taking the rod from his hand, after a short fight it was gone, and he was left with a badly scared Laker, bleeding to much to release. There is something awful big down there. Slug was up next with a small Laker, which he released, to grow up some more. WD was getting frustrated, and started heading in shallow, punching holes here and there, one of the other guys on the lake landed a very nice 5lb. Eye which he fillet on the spot, and not do a very good job of it. I had a few hits, which I missed then I had one I didn't miss, and ws able to put my second laker on ice


Terry owner of Eagle Lake Adventures, came out to see us was going to put his own hut on the lake, but just as he was putting it on the trailer, a customer came in and bought it from him, oh well back to the work shop, we stood around and caught up on world events introduced them to my Buddies Jack and Daniels, which always give a person a warm glow after meeting them.

Well thing slowed down to a crawl. Shovel went exploring looking for the drop off, out deep didn't find it WD still punching holes in shallow 14' landed a small perch a thing IJ Perch was bigger. Kris had enough and headed home with a promise to take me to another lake for some eyes. I was starting to get hungry, when I had a sharp hit on my rod nothing there, then again, okay something playing Tag with me since Kris left they were going to play with, well I don't play fair had my rod in my hand and as soon as I felt the hit I set the hook, and after a great fight, put my first Whitie of the year on ice


Did you noticed the scars on his side, any one want to go chasen Muskie. Well we stuck it out for another hour and then packed it in. Karol carrying an Mexican Auger


with S&S bring up the rear



Next weekend who knows, another lake for sure

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