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2007, a year in review


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Well, as its almost that time that I hate to think about...(when the water freezes and i just cant bring myself to knock a hole in it to fish) I thought Id throw up some pictures of this years fishing. There will be more to come, but my computer is not treating me very well at the moment. Also, I expect that from now till freeze up I may just have some success with steelies.


The year started off with steelheading, as always. This was the first steelie that I got a pic of because it managed to tangle the line through the gills and was not going to make it so I brough him home. 90% of my steelheading trips are solo, so the pictures are limited...




Then I hooked into a few more silver bullets later in march, with this guy being the biggest, but just wouldnt sit still for my camera phone...




March was full of steelheading, but as usual, the pictures are lacking. Then trout opener came along and it was my personal favourite and best day on the water ever. Woke up at 4, on the river by 4:30 and went 13/18 before 8 30 AM. I only had my cell phone camera, which is useless in the dark so another angler took the pictures and my email, but unfortunatly I never recieved the pictures. Heres one that turned out, one of my longest steelies to date at 31 or 32". Its hard to tell the size, but look at the head in comparason to my reel...




Moving along, a trip I took to a friends cottage in July, We hit smallies like this all day on a 20 foot deep Rocky drop off..



Same trip, and at 6 30 AM a surprise NAILED my bass spinnerbait..




back she goes...



That was a great day on the water with even better fishin buddies.


Next up is my annual trip to Buckhorn lake, specifically Scotsman Point Resort. Wasnt the best trip fishing wise, but still a great week with three bass over 18" in two nights. Heres the biggest of the week at 20 inches and 4.5 pounds...




Theres a couple more bass pics from that week that I just cant seem to upload...but working on it.


There were a few day trips, one resulting in a surprise musky from shore that I dont have pictures of because it tried to take my hand off when i was letting it catch some breath while fumbling for the camera...


Next up, fall season. First drifting success: Brown Trout. and a big one at that, this guy was pushing ten pounds.






then a few, and when I say a few I mean a few steelhead that werent photographed. So far this steelhead season in the fall has been a bust for me, but with the recent rain im thinking its about to get better. Last but not least another Big brown, but a female this time.




All in all, it has been a great year fishing wise, and doing a report like this makes me wish that I took more pictures. I always seem to just throw them back and think "ill catch another."

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