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Respecting Our Enviroment


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Well i headed out early am this morning. Fished for several hrs in different spots & locations and nothing. I guess it was pretty much the same for the other guy's i spoke to on my travels.


Anyway i decided to do a short video Because i was discusted with what i saw today. I guess you could say its my little rant. But it really does Anger me to see people leave so much garbage and crap behind by our tribs & lakes. With the Amount of garbage i saw today and picked up i probably could have filmed a whole hour and i am not kidding. I think it is totally discusting and some people out there need to have better respect for the inviroment.


Okay thats off my chest, I think.....lol



Edited by nautifish
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lmao Kemper.....Yes i noticed i had put an I instead of an E after i had allready put the video togeather....lol...No way was i gonna start from scratch...Its pretty time consumeing is this video marlarky ya know.....lol :D

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Okay enough allready.


Blimey i was pretty niffed today after seeing all the garbage left around still niffed when i was putting this video togeather...Got it off my chest and now this post has turned into a how too spell post........



Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry:

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Weve robbed a perfectly good post here folks, and it is mainly my fault.


Lets get this back on topic!


Earlier this year a board member organised a clean up of my local trib, and did quite the job, but unfortunatly it is right back to where it was! We really need more people to do their part in picking up the garbage (even though it isnt theirs) around the fishing areas. The last thing we want to be known for is leaving trash everywhere!

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Exactly Kemper, & Then some fisherman,woman wonder why people will not let us fish on they're private property. I have heard quiet a few rants from fisherman about not being able to fish certain spots due to it being private property & not wanting fisherman,woman on there property. Is it any wonder when you see all this crap left behind.


& Thankyou This is a serious issue, in my book it is anyway and i would like to think other people out there also.


Maybe thats what i should do is try to organize a clean up of our local tribs.


Word. Nauti maybe u can burn a bra and start a revolution??? :)


Just kidding. I do wat i can.....






Thats great and nice too see. :D


I know i'm on a bit of a rant but it really did sicken me today. Were lucky to have what we have right on our very own doorsteps.

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I totally agree. I would like to take it a step further and say to fishermen and hunters everywhere its not just garbage at the river we need to clean up, its our attitudes. At the rate we are destroying the enviroment there will be zero plentiful trout rivers to fish in 40 years. I personally made a change and now drive a more enviromentally friendly car. Instead of the 4X4 to drive down to the river I am now in a golf tdi which goes 1150km to 50 bucks worth of diesel and I run biodiesel in the summer. All my gear still fits in the hatch.

By doing this in a small way I have pressured the big truck producers to start to produce a more efficient truck and affordable truck for the outdoorsmen. I have in a small way taken just a little less money out of the big oil companies pocket. And I am not dumping the emissions into the air like I would be if I was driving a truck that are causing the catastrophic global warming.


We are and need to be the stewards of the enviroment. The fishermen are the ones that are seeing the causes of global warming and fish habitat destruction...so we need to live our lives "greener" than the average person!


I just hope in 2030 I can take my Grand kid fishing for trout and not Gobe.


Don't reply back and say


1. You try sticking a moose in the back of a golf

2. You try driving a golf down a logging trail

3. You try towing a boat with a golf.

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I Live in a fabulous place called Port Dover Kemper. But i was not fishing in PD Today i was fishing another erea but not too far from Dover. About a 30 minute drive away. It really is a very beautiful erea & its such a shame that some people just do not seem to care.

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I Live in a fabulous place called Port Dover Kemper. But i was not fishing in PD Today i was fishing another erea but not too far from Dover. About a 30 minute drive away. It really is a very beautiful erea & its such a shame that some people just do not seem to care.



Ive been to Dover a few times, nice place. Unfortunatly youre a little far from whitby for a trib cleanup! lol

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It is sad when we see people with no regard for the natural environment. Since anglers are the most visible near the water we are the ones who usually are blamed for it.

It is important that we be seen doing things that affect the outdoors in a positive way. If someone here ( a member..mods are already way too busy) were to take the reigns on organizing clean-up days, I'm sure OFC could assist with web space and time.

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Actually that's all the garbage i brought with me, just demonstrating a point of cleaning up after yourself. :D


Some areas are really bad. Coffee cups and trash ain't half as bad as broken beer bottles and dead battery's.



Ohh trust me what i had on film was nothing. Like i allready said i could have made a video an hour long just on garbage on my travels by the water today.


LUV2DRIFT...Kudo's to you and i agree Some people do need to change their attitudes.


I hope that when i become a grandparent they will be able to fish with me and love it as much i do.

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