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Scenery Shots


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I've been to many beautiful places this past summer, and of course taken many pics. I like the pics with a subject in them, I find it gives a better perspective. What do most of you think, with or without subjects?


Here's my son in two, I also like to use my dogs, but that can be a little tougher. LOL





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Guest mistyriver1

Both beautiful shots Deano, I really like the second one as the guy sitting there really gives you a perspective.


Great stuff


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I also like the shots with some sense of scale in them. (the human subject) Helps relate oneself to the photo a bit also. Also proves you were there and its not just some postcard you pulled off the internet lol Very nice pics, and that area is incredible, may i ask where that is.

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They are both near McGregor Bay, between Killarney and Manitoulin Island. The first one is overlooking McGregor Bay about 15kms east. The second is Frazer Bay hill, overlooking Baie Fine and McGregor Bay in the distance. They are different days and we also caught lake trout on the outing.

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Deano, I always enjoyed your "pic of the week" from a few years ago (Tuesdays I believe) and you had some incredible shots. Lookin forward to more of the same from you now that you've built of your picture supply again, and we've now got this new forum ;)

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I prefer landscape and scenery shots with a subject. However all hiking and photography I do is done solo so my "subject" is usually something in the foreground such as a rock or a tree. Gives the shots added depth so you actually feel like your there.......oh and great shots Deano!

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Nice shots. When I am at a high viewpoint I like to do both - some just showing the panorama and others with a person in so you get the sense of perspective, scale and the sense of someone viewing the grand landscape before you.

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