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Camcorder reviews wanted


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What are the best camcorders out there for video/sound quality?

I've been asked to consider producing a low budget 'How-to' DVD and am looking for cameras wit some features like..

  • Wireless Mic input
  • Hi quality video (not necessarily HD)
  • Ease of use
  • Readily available storage medium.

I've seen the new ones with a built in hard drive, mini-dvd (how do you transfer that to PC?), and regular DVD medium. Also seen ones with SD card drives.



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Hey Rick, I have an old (5 years) Canon Mini DV camera. You down load from the camera using "Fireline" and save it just like anything else.

I haven't really looked at what's available out there lately, but you can't go wrong with Canon or Sony. The miniDV tapes are not cheap and do have the inherent challenges that any tape format provides... bad sectors, dropped tape means lost info and eventual degradation on the tape signal by playing it over and over and as well, the tape will stretch every time you re-wind it.

I guess that if I was once again on the market for a video camera, I'd initially focus on the ones that have internal memory or burn straight to disk.

Not much help I know... good luck.


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Hi Rick,


I'm picking up a camcorder tomorrow night - Canon ZR800. It uses mini-DV's & has gotten great reviews & it's less than $400. Did a ton of research between mini-DV, DVD & hard drive formats & this is what I chose. I didn't want to spend a lot on my 1st camcorder - I figure that the way technology is always advancing, I'll replace it down the road with a higher-end model. As far as transferring your video, it's pretty simple. You upload the video to your PC via a Firewire port on the back of your CPU (might be called IEEE1394 port), then you can edit your footage, add special effects, etc, before you burn it to a DVD. The DVD camcorders, from what I've read, don't allow you to edit your footage, but you can play it on the TV as soon as you pop it out of your camcorder. Anyway, as I said, I'm no expert - just thought I'd tell you what I chose & why. You could always check out the following sites - I found them pretty helpful:










Anyway, hope this helps - good luck with your search :thumbsup_anim:



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What are the best camcorders out there for video/sound quality?

I've been asked to consider producing a low budget 'How-to' DVD and am looking for cameras wit some features like..

  • Wireless Mic input
  • Hi quality video (not necessarily HD)
  • Ease of use
  • Readily available storage medium.

I've seen the new ones with a built in hard drive, mini-dvd (how do you transfer that to PC?), and regular DVD medium. Also seen ones with SD card drives.



with my sony handicam dvd recorder all I do to transfer it is record it onto a dvd with a dvd recorder then rip it onto my comp.

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I've been running a Samsung Mini-DVD camcorder for the Action Angling videos. I have yet to use it as a mini-DVD cam however, the SD card slot is just way more convenient. I simply upload the videos after a day of fishing with a regular USB cable like most digital cameras use. The camera was only about $300 too. I looked into Sony and Canon when I was shopping for a camcorder but the Samsung just had the features I wanted. Shop around and see what suits your needs!

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What resolution does the Samsung record to SD at? I have a Canon Elura 100 that I have used, and it records at only 320x240 resolution for the SD card. I have a feeling that will look terrible on a big teevee unless there is some way of enhancing the image.


Does anyone know of a way to make a 320x240 avi look presentable for a regular tv? I want to make DVDs for my relatives to give away at my daughter's first birthday party.



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