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  1. I want to replace my carpeting on the bow casting deck on my 19 foot StarCraft that's 22 years old. I will never match the carpet that I can get from StarCraft because of fading and really like the look of the checker plate rubber flooring. Does anyone know of a supplier in or around the Golden Horseshoe? I see many online but all seem to be out of the USA. It runs around 3 bucks a square foot for 1/4 inch thick stuff. The custom $100,000.00 fishing boat they did up for the Fishin' Canada show has it throughout the boat. The heat it may hold, and I'm sure it gets hot, isn't an issue as I always wear shoes as well as my guests. Thank you for any help.
  2. Hey gang!!! I'm looking for a few helpers. See attached ad.
  3. I know this really has nothing to do with fishing but I couldn't resist sharing this with my fellow OFC members There looks to be a good show on tomorrow night (Thursday) on cbc at 8:00 pm called Wolverine : Ghost of the Northern Forest (Nature of Things) I seen a preview on it this evening and it looked pretty good and definitely worth an hour of my time . Thought a few of you might enjoy something like this and I know from past posts some members have actually had encounters with these elusive animals . Enjoy
  4. Hi all, I bought a 14' boat, 15hp motor and trailer. What do I have to do to get these items registered? The trailer has plates already but there's no registration # on the boat. Thanks and well on my way to actually posting about fishing.
  5. She was outside pulling weeds on a hot summer day when her husband walked up and asked her, what are we having for dinner. Irritated by the thought of him sitting in the air conditioned house while she labored away on the weeds, she snapped, "I can't believe you're asking me about supper right now! pretend I'm out of town, go inside and make dinner yourself!" So he went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak, potatoes, garlic bread, and a tall beer. His wife walked in just about the time he was finishing up and asked, "Where's my dinner?" "Huh? I thought you were out of town."
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4
  7. OK, I need one of these!!! Where does one get one though?
  8. I keep seeing links to this on Face book and I am wondering if it is legit or not. They claim 100% safe, free..... I figure if it sounds too good to be true it probably is but I know that you guys will know the answer. Is it worth downloading or is there a catch?
  9. http://www.naturalnews.com/052752_wood-burning_stoves_Agenda_21_Canadian_government.html#
  10. http://www2.tsn.ca/bardown/Story.aspx?Budweiser+Canada+are+setting+up+a+MASSIVE+goal+light+on+the+north+pole&id=571969
  11. http://www.naturalnews.com/052752_wood-burning_stoves_Agenda_21_Canadian_government.html#
  12. Just thinking here that with this laptop being as old as it is it might be time to start looking for a new one. Things I do know (or think I know) I do not want a tablet, several of my programs like Microsoft Office are on DVDs and I would want to install them on the new computer so I would need a DVD player. I use this laptop with an external monitor and keyboard except when traveling, I would want to be able to continue doing that. Any DO NOT BUY!!!!!! makes or modles What are some of the key features that I should be looking for (or stay away from) Should I be dealing with one of the big box stores (and if so who is a good choice) or would I be smarter to deal with a "computer" store. I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go!
  13. Just found out that my good friend Beans had to say fairwell to his 13 year old beagle. My heart goes out to you my friend, you did the kindest thing that could be done but I know how much it still hurts!
  14. I have an older laptop, it's a Lenova about 7 years old and I am very happy with it. It is running Vista and still seems to be working fine but I am told that Vista is no longer supported. I'm not sure if I can upgrade it to windows 10 (not even sure if I want to), I can find lots of free upgrades from Windows 7 and 8 but haven't found anything about upgrading from Vista. Could I? Should I? Am I going to have to re-install some of my programs like Microsoft Office? I'd like to stay with what I have because it's what I am use to but am worried that one day soon it just won't work or be able to handle some of the newer programs and features.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression somewhere this spring that the cable providers would be required to offer individual channel picking. I checked with rogers and all they seem to have done is give you a basic package like before and then bundles. I don't watch sports, religion or shopping channels. I don't feel the need for CMT or any franco channels. Seems they have just changed the bundles around a bit and allow picking 15/20/30 channels or package prices. We package your favourite channels. Who the *@#* is Rogers to tell me what my favourite channels are. Any explanations would be welcome.
  16. So I left Southern Ontario at 11 AM local time (9 AM Yellowknife time) and pulled into my drive way just after midnight (YK time) last night. A total of 63 hours from the time I left to the time I got home. 48 of those hours were behind the wheel tooling down the road. Total mileage is right around 5,500 kms. I don't go back to work until Thursday, so I still have a couple more days to recoup!!
  17. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/29/sports/basketball/meadowlark-lemon-harlem-globetrotter-who-played-basketball-and-pranks-with-virtuosity-dies-at-83.html
  18. I'm a member of a group of fishing enthusiasts who have been fishing together for over 50 years. Although we get together during the year for special occasions, we always get together a week before Christmas at the local pizza and beer pub (for us that's the Prescott). This year we had 15 guys in attendance. And as usual, we all updated each other on our ailments (we're all seniors between 72 and 81 years of age). Two of our guys underwent open heart surgery during 2015. Fortunately, we are all still walking on the right side of the grass. And some of us still very much enjoy wetting our lines for walleye in August and September each year. I'm grateful to be alive and to be a member of this group. Seasons Greetings everyone.
  19. Back on Oct. 20 I posted an open letter to Justin Trudeau on here, I never did email it or anything just posted it on OFC. Yesterday I got an email showing my full name, address, postal code (I hadn't included any of that) ********************************************************************************************************************* From: "Prime Minister/Premier Ministre" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Subject: Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre Date: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 1:22 PM Dear Friend: Let me begin by thanking you for your kind words of congratulations. I am deeply grateful to have this opportunity to serve you - and every Canadian across our great country. I was touched by the level of support expressed by Canadians on October 19, and I want to reaffirm my commitment to spend the next four years working hard to deliver on our promises. As a Canadian, you expect to see your values and priorities reflected in your government - and we have listened. Our strong, diverse, and experienced team will be open, honest, and sincere in our efforts to serve the public interest. Thank you again for writing. Yours sincerely, The Right Honourable Justin P.J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada ************************************************************************************************************************** Interesting isn't it? Seems even our PM reads OFC Maybe he isn't so bad after all!
  20. Is WW3 on the horizon and in our very near future? My morning routine involves doing the “necessary” things, getting my coffee, checking in here to see if I can contribute anything use full then reading the news. For the past little while I have noticed a trend and it scares the heck out of me. It seems that almost every day the US is challenging someone and these some ones are starting to challenge right back. Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, ISIS just to name a few. The incidents seem to be escalating very rapidly lately. Several are now issuing their own challenges almost daring the US to do something to try to stop them doing whatever they want. The threats seem to be getting bolder almost as if to say “I dare you!” It seems that a real fight is brewing and Canada is going to get dragged into it whether we want to or not. So far it has all been posturing; “if you do that again then we will have to react (retaliate)”! So far thank god no one has but I fear that at some point in the not too distant future someone is going to just to save face and war will be inevitable. Perhaps I am reading it all wrong but I have been in a lot of bar fights in my younger years. I survived by not waiting for the other guy to “give me his best shot” and then fighting back. If I knew I was going to be in a fight I fought! The worst thing you could say to me was “lets step outside” because I would drop you right there! What I see happening now is so similar to those bar fights; oh I’m big and tough and you better not get in my way or else!” Then some little guy like me figures what the heck and hits you! I might be wrong but I do believe that if China or North Korea wanted to hit us (Canada and the US) there wouldn’t be much left but the cleanup. I’m not worried about me, I’m old and already figured out I won’t be around forever but I am worried about my kids and my grandkids. I guess there isn’t much I can do about it either way but I sure wish I could!
  21. P.A. day for my son and we were up and driving north at 5am. He got to shoot his bow a bit while we were gearing up at the start of the walk... the grouse have nothin' to fear from him for now, but we did come home with the same number of arrows. He found a rib bone that some critter must have dragged away from a kill as we didn't see a single sign of anything else in the area. Shortly after my brother got a grouse and our bird dog retrieved it... ...and wouldn't let anybody else carry it the whole day. At the end of the day we tried a group shot in the same spot where the bow and arrow photo was from.
  22. Long road trip for a day of birds with my brother. Didn't see anyone else the whole day. My brother got 3 and I never pulled the trigger. That's grouse hunting. Spruce grouse hen in his right hand. Me just walkin' through the woods. Last bird of the day while I was trying my luck off-trail. That's the smirk of a little brother who has 3 birds to zero and got the last one whilst I was slugging through the think stuff.
  23. Always think of my dad when this day comes around. He never really spoke much about the war, but I do have photos to remind me of his commitment.
  24. You can't make this .... up!!!
  25. The past 4 months of fishing really hasn't existed for me because I had been too busy training for this past weekend Toronto Waterfront Marathon. There are only a few members that know that my passion for running and having an active lifestyle is one of my biggest passions, even more so then fishing, and yes I know this is funny because this report is on a fishing forum. Prior to the run this past Sunday, I had ran in 15 runs. 7 road races, 7 obstacle course races and 1 duathlon. The Sydenham Duathlon was my highlight because it was my first one and I managed to finish second in my age group Males 30-34. The training was my main focus and I cranked it up the last 2 months to ensure that I would be able to finish the grueling 42.2km course that laid ahead of me. However this past spring, a person close to me was battling thru depression and I thought that if they could battle this that I would have no problem running a Full Marathon. So I signed up for the Toronto Waterfront Full Marathon, which was held this past Sunday ( Oct 18 2015). Every year Scotiabank puts on a charity challenge for the marathon and little did I know while I was signing up for the marathon that one of the featured charities was The Ontario Shores Foundation for Mental Health. So I felt like it was only fitting to pick this charity to raise the money for. So in Late April it was official that I was going to be running in the Marathon, now In the past I had ran in the Toronto Waterfront Half in 2012 and in the 5k last year 2014 RACE WEEKEND It was a great experience and accomplishment that I have to thank fellow board member Jeremy84 for getting me into these races. Overall it was a great race weekend from the expo to race day itself. It was a very long day, starting with getting down to the event early to avoid the chaos (26,000 runners) and get a parking spot as close to the event as I could. The start area is still one of the best out there, having the event site in one corner, the washrooms (port-a-potties) lining one side of the starting chute.The corrals where well marked and the course marshals and volunteers in each corral where excellent and well informed, at least in the green corral. At most of the big runs like this one they have pace bunnies, who are there to run the course in a certain time at a certain pace. I decided to run the race with the 4:25 marathon run/walk bunny. I was able to keep pace with her and the group of fellow runners for the first 23km, before I had to slow down to shake out some muscle stiffness. Somewhere in the following 2 km my knee started to act up, so it slowed me down, to a pace that made me doubt if I’d be able to finish. At the first aid station I went to the First Aid workers did not have any tape. I was finally able to get it taped up around the 32km if I remember right. They got me taped up and I was able if not for the tape I know I wouldn’t have been able to finish. I was warned of the dark places that my mind was going to go to during the race, and as I right this I know there are parts of the race that I just can't recall because I was mentally zapped. With that there were a few people out on the course that were there to run people in to the finish, so I had one of them run with me to help me with that final push. I'm thrilled that I managed to push thru the pain of my knee being blown out and all my muscle screaming at me to stop. I was hoping to have a finished with the 4 hour and 25 minute pace that I started with however I finished the race in 5 hours 5 minutes and 43 seconds. 3 days later and it is finally sinking in that I ran a full marathon. I decided to make this report for those wondering where I have been over the last few months. Pictures to come
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