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Everything posted by buckster

  1. So these are the fall days i remember and i am lucky enough to have tomorrow off. Was wondering if anyone else was heading out for some steel in the morning..... Would be cool to see some of u guys or gals out there
  2. I would like to support local shops but only one problem it seems like everything i want they have to order in. I guess im to impatient lol my 2 cents
  3. wonderfull pic did u frame that lol
  4. i think i may give it a try this afternoon or tommorrow morning...... a little to late for a heads up
  5. so i got a rain day at work and was thinking to walk a river for a few salmon or whatever else has made its way up.......... any suggestions
  6. is it just me or is anyone else doing a rain dance well as of october 1st at least i can go for deer
  7. was thinking of heading out in the morning to the beaver or to meaford was wondering what the water is like......... in the past i have had success on the last weekend in sept. If not gonna try out east what do ya'lls think
  8. is it only me or is anyone else thinking erindale park this weekend lol
  9. was wondering if anyone has any info on wagner lake small little lake north of uxbridge... anyone know what im talking about
  10. u better pack some uncle bucks and be at my place at 5 am
  11. great muskie lake but not sure about pics
  12. looking to fish fox and snake island on simcoe anyone know what the fee is at the park at the end of innisfill beach road? or does anyone know of any other launches around the area
  13. ok what about ownwership do boats have them bit of a silly question
  14. I have to transfer a boat into my name where would i go to get this done.
  15. Sometimes its just luck managed 4 whiteys yesterday in and around 80fow but had to work for them
  16. bring some 6 or 8lb florocarbon line for a leader
  17. anyone know how much snow is on the ice out from the park at innisfill
  18. I heard that there was a rescue on lake simcoe possibly a few days ago does did anyone else hear about this? bbp or long shoal area
  19. was wondering if the ice is safe over by long or fox shoal looking to get out with my sled and gear and help would be appreicated .....
  20. i usually use 2ft i wouldnt use much more because i dont like reeling in the swivel through my guides. I usually use an 8lb mono with a 6lb floro for live bait and for jigging depending on the species i go to an 8 floro
  21. sounds good.....but i use a florocarbon leader 100% of the time for any fishing
  22. wondering how the ice is shaping up on cooks.... wanna head out from gilford is the ice sled worthy?
  23. bought one last season works great......make sure u balance the rod perfect a lot of the time the wind will set it off if its to front heavy
  24. what lake are u fishing
  25. where exactly is fishonline located?
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