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Everything posted by buckster

  1. sorry folks engine oil................ ive been looking online cant find it........ For some reason 3L rings a bell
  2. I have a 2000 25 hp merc 4 stroke bigfoot. I have changed the oil on it year in year out, but for some reason this year i forgot how much oil i need. Brain fart i guess? I have the boat stored up north and i wanted to grab the oil this weekend and go up and get'er done. I could ask the guy at the parts counter but i dont wanna look like an lol Thanks in advance
  3. few boats under the bridge today!
  4. thx for the reply
  5. Was thinking about taking a few drifts in the morning............. Anyone know how the water is looking after fridays rain?
  6. I think u mean sangweches......... what about the soppressatta and parmigiano reggiano lol
  7. LCD is the way to go.............. sharp Aquos
  8. i use 8-10 lb p-line fluoro for pics without a problem.........the odd bite off from those oos musky!
  9. those shopping carts sure do hold fish lol
  10. ya ive been doing some reading looks like borax is the way to go. After i mix in the borax do i have to rinse it off, or do i just leave them coverd in the borax
  11. cool thanks canucks2fan......... do u scrape them off the skien or do u just tie them in the skien? How long do they last if u freeze them?
  12. if i wasnt working id be all over that. Ive been out the past 3 days and the fish are on big time!
  13. if i dont cure them how do i store them and how long are they good for? Do i have to rinse them with water then dry them and freeze them?
  14. I have only cured roe one way with salt and brown sugar. Anyone have and diff methods. I wanted to keep it fresh how do i go about doing that?
  15. how do y'all rig them............ how close would your last split shot be to the jig?
  16. Neal Enbob harry ballsonia
  17. I have the Vogager, money well spent!
  18. i think im going out in the am............... not sure if i recognize the trib but i might
  19. gonna flip a coin in the morning either out twards fox or out from JP
  20. i think we might have to ice a few perch together in the meantime
  21. Heading out sat. for a final attempt to ice a few more whities and lakers this season.... Any OFC members thinking the same thing? Hope to see u guys/gals out there
  22. see u out there chev!
  23. WTG CC! few more trips for whities and lakers and i put away the ice rods, and break out the pin aswell. Should be a good spring, with lots of water!
  24. sleddin........... have a few waypoints i wanna hit 7-12kms out there............... bbp should be a better bet than Innisfil. I heard the snow is not gonna be all that bad untill 3-4 pm..... Let us know how u do and i will do the same good luck out there!
  25. Do u walk out or are u on a sled or quad?
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