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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. Thanks guys. Still in MB Mike.
  2. Been into full swing on the ice now for a couple weeks. The crazy hot and cold of this winter is still making travel difficult unseen cracks like the one that tried to swallow my ranger keep the pucker factor up. But the world's best (thats right quinte) winter walleye fishery is still putting out some good fish. 3-6' of water under 38" of ice has been about the right depth. Great lakes salmon spoons ripped and free falling has accounted for a lot of the fish. Stable cold weather this week should result in a few fatties for the fishing paparazzi
  3. Heres my new sled. 2015 Voyageur 155. Picture from last weekend on the MB/ON border plying some new backcountry lakes for gravel lizards.
  4. A guide client relationship is a partnership. Being the best you can be as a client will get you the best of your particular guide. Do some homework on the fishery, ask the guide questions on what to expect, what to bring and use some common sense. I guide icefishing for instance on Lake Winnipeg in cold conditions. Don't show up in running shoes. If there is an agreed upon detail, prices, terms etc. Give prior notice of any change in plans. Every guide has great stories of asshatery and days to forget. The bulk (95%) of guests I deal with in a year between Scott Lake, Birdtail and icefishing (~600) are fantastic people, interesting, interested to learn, generous and excited for the experience. 5% well....we just make fun of you after the trip with guiding buddies over beers. The clip by Tom Rosenbauer on WFN outlines this very well. The thing a lot of people forget, this is a competitive service industry, it is in my best interest for you to have your best day afield each time we go out. Why did I take you here? In my opinion this is the best place I know right now for your to meet your goals for this trip (which you should have been clear about when asked...) If guides could control fish and game, there is a product to retire on. What should be looked at as a good, hardworking guide is how well they manage the variables in their control.
  5. Jason Mitchell Mackinaw or Walleye 38" MH Frabill Gussy 38 MH Thorne Bros. Pike Pro Fiberglass, 40" (best action in the world to rip rattle baits)
  6. Check out Tropic Fins. Cory is the best angler I have ever met.
  7. Inflows and outflows have been key. Water temps dropping in the 50Fs. Been throwing big (6") flies that mimic herring or whitefish. Big plastics and bucktails work as well These fish are hunting and will travel a long way to nail baits. Something that moves water so they can key in on it.
  8. Been having real good luck up north following the spawning runs of whitefish to get into big northerns and lakers. Water temps are dropping up here and its big fish time.
  9. If at all possible I would go with something thermal. It does add weight but really holds the heat well. The condensation of the non thermal will become annoying in very cold weather. I use X2s in weather down to -45 and am running a big buddy on low or medium. The XL4000T is a good shack. With any of the larger hubs I would suggest a small battery operated fan to move the warm air back down.
  10. Crazy weather and a number of polar vorticies have Lake Winnipeg walleye mixed right up. We've had to downsize, and again, and one more time. Finally settled on 1/8 and 1/16oz pink jigging spoons and a live minnow tail hooked. A far cry from the normal fodder for greenbacks. Did I mention we have ice? Crappie baits work!
  11. Seriously? I would jump at a chance to learn from him. The LMP crew (and Infish crew) are people I see driving the evolution of freshwater fishing.
  12. I was lucky enough to be asked to help represent Ice Team at a contest giveaway from the St Paul Ice Show. 1 lucky winner was picked out of thousands of entries to head up to Tolens Pelican Landing on Lake or the Woods in Morson Ontario, with fellow Ice Team pro Jeff Andersen. Joining us were Clam Outdoors president Steve Geertsen, his son and contest winner Dustin and his father Bryce. Like much of the ice belt, temperatures were brutally cold the previous couple of weeks, however luck was on our side as the weekend warmed up to near 0C. Perfect to run and gun to get after the myriad of species in this untapped area on Lake of the Woods, which in itself is the best multispecies freshwater fishery in the world. Tolen's is the perfect base for mobile ice anglers running snowmobiles and portables. New cabins, a comfortable main lodge and access to great fishing. Robert and his family run an first rate camp. We made a amazing scenic run to chase lakers, walleye were found on any main lake point with a deep hole off it. Most surprising of all was the crappie bite. Slabs! we caught big numbers of fish in the 14-15" range. Actually we caught 11 species on the weekend and all on the 1/8oz pink Clam Blade spoon. Pink has long been my go to colour on the northern part of LOTW and it sure transferred here. Bottom line, great fishing, company, and resort.
  13. Valid points that a sled can be more cost effective. For me it was about moving numbers of people in a a Ranger Crew. Plus a heated cab is way better in -40c!
  14. I'd say a 500 is the bare minimum. Most guys out this way run on 700+ If you don't have a way to thaw the machine out very well after each use I would say you will have some repair issues. Buy spare belts.
  15. Prepare for it and its great. Keeps the masses off the lakes and leaves lots of room to roam. Good gear, survival kit, spare parts and you can have a blast.
  16. We have been in the ice box for a while now. Earliest I've ever needed to put on the extension. Nonetheless I've been putting the new rig through the paces and catching a few good fish. Hope everyone has a safe, lucky and slightly warmer 2014 on the ice.
  17. They almost didnt let me on a first air flight because I refused to leave the wolverines behind....had to take the hooks off of 20 spoons at security. Good luck on the east arm Dave. Heard some better fish are coming from around Lutsel K'e this week as the water is warmng up. They caught em in back bay with sand bottoms.
  18. Depending on what type of lake you are fishing might dictate where they are, on Lake of the Woods the biggest pike are caught (in summer) off walleye reefs 20-30 fow. Deep diving cranks work best for me. In shallower situations a big sluggo will work well. Let it nose down into the bottom and shake it...especially if you can see the fish you are after. You can also cast big bunny leech flies with a spinning rod, just get them wet 1st...they hold alot of water. Along with some split shot these will get down deep. Right now we are catching better pike around the 1st points with deep water on the way out of spawning bays....water temps ranging 60-67F.
  19. Last few tents I've owned were MEC brand. I think you get good quality for decent prices with them. Never had a leak in my Tarn 3 even when set up in waterlogged moss.
  20. I'm the same way Bernie, went to the gun shop a couple of times set to buy the 870 wingmaster and just couldn't get happy with the way it fit me. My current gun has made me a better shot because of how well it fits. On another note I shot a A400 this spring when hunting snows....that is a beautiful weapon! Beretta thinks so too judging by the cost...
  21. Go put a few comparable pumps to your shoulder. Best gun for you is the one that mounts easiest and feels right. My vote in a pump is Benelli Super Nova, being quite tall having the shim kit made it fit much better. This is 100% for waterfowl though. If you want a one gun battery for slugs, waterfowl and turkey something in a combo kit will be more economical.
  22. That is the deadly combo the pink Mad River worms....anyone fishing LOTW is missing fish not fishing this setup. Slow death is a day saver epecially late summer early fall period with alot of changing weather. As far as the worm falling down I find if I leave a 1/4" tag end in the knot and slide the worm up over that it acts as a good keeper.
  23. Scott Lake Lodge on the SK/NWT border. Unreal pike, lakers and grayling and they are adding a walleye lake this year. One of the best in the business.
  24. I disagree with you here. Is bear spray effective? Yes, certainly, it provides a behaviour break that can allow for you to seek safety. (See an article by Herrarro on its utility) But you have basically 2 effective bursts from a can, and regardless of what is advertised you need the animal at hear handshaking distance to be effective. Lets not forget the wind and blowback..... To score a good pattern on a bear (with spray) you have to hold your ground which is quite unnerving. Things that push me to a fire arm are the predatory type bears that stalk and push and test you. You can tap your bear spray supply and have the animal back in minutes. It is a great first try to be non lethal to an over zealous bruin, but in my experience when a bear encounter gets to the point of requiring deterrents I would prefer to have the option of lethal force....though for most animals something like banging pots together are enough to move them along.
  25. Because of work I spend a lot of time in grizzly and polar bear country and also do a full day live fire exercise each year which does an excellent job of simulating a stressfull situation. For me a lot of factors point to a short barreled pump shotgun with slugs as the best bear defense weapon. I have a few of marine guns that take a beating, you need them to reliably cycle even when dirty. A short barrel and composite stock are light enough to carry easily especially with a good sling. A rifle can be great in the hands of a experienced shooter but a shotgun is more of a point and shoot and less aiming...seems to allow a broad range of people to be more accurate and instinctive with them, which is a consideration in some of our larger camps. Forget about the tree hugger bear bangers as the first round, a bear defence weapon should have no plug, safety off and chamber empty, shooting a banger at a bear close enough to think about shooting is counterproductive. Not sure where a similar course could be had but the one we take in MB is really good to get used to loading quickly and handling the gun and shooting under duress.
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