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Everything posted by crusty

  1. I replaced all the items in question this summer for a insurance job(flood) It was a fairly easy process, something you should be able to preform by yourself Turn off the breaker to the pump drain house of water, fill a bucket first apply light heat from your propane tourch to the two black hoses going to the well(loosen gear clamps first,and move them aside) now tug with all your might, the heating of the pipes will expand them enough to get off, too much and they will melt you may have tobuy two new the pressure tank should be easy cut and weld in the new one the bigger the better you can even twin two big boys, Giving you more presssure before the pump needs to come on now turn back on the power to the pump and adjust the cut in pressure setting on top of the pump you may have to use a bike pump to bring the pressure of the tanks up to 15 These are guidlines the box instructions should be followed Home de Pot has prices even cheaper than my plumbing Wholesaler,$200 cheaper on water softners The iron remover is a different story Does it contain pottasium permagnamate? Is there a small 2 gallon container on the floor with a 1/4" water line running to it This stuff is deadly, stains ,stinks,and can only be purchased by culligan If so this should only be serviced by mr. culligan While your system is apart it's a great time to add new equipment such as a UV light for bacteria You should take untreated water sample to your local testing agency, they will tell you what you should buy Hope this helps Brian McCrostie
  2. Strongly recommend anyone with a DUI stay home you wont be allowed in, Also a passport is now a must. Good luck and hope to see you there.
  3. There is hope.. At least to stop the big ships. It turns out that the shipping lanes of the great lakes costs a fortune to keep running. Last I heard it would be significantly cheaper to ship the goods over land, than maintain the seaway. Too late for vhs, goobies, and zebras. But if we all yell loud enough mabye they will stop the freighters in montreal or halifax. Mabye OFC should have a direct link to a e-petition to tell the gov't enough is enough
  4. He was recommending reefs in blue. Do you know the name of the color in question Sheldon. There seem to be a million colour combo's. It seemed from 500 yards that he had three or more inlines all out one side (downwind) of the boat. This way there was no stalling of the boards. How do you run three inlines off one side? Is there a planer system like this? Or does he just own 3-4 right side planers w/differnt lenghts? Yes I was droolling over the brand new Lund 2025 w/ 250 Verado...
  5. We have all suffered breakins in ottawa. If you lock it they will come One poor lad had his burnt to the ground another fished in his at night and it was gone the next day(stolen) really makes your blood boil
  6. I was staying at the same hotel as this guy after christmas Our boat only managed three fish in two days(speed issues) This guy was banging 12 fish a day.... To add injury to insult, when I got back home I found this online 15 plus
  7. The walleye in Ottawa are highy pressured, a fresh minnow increases catch rates ten fold. It seems if your minnow gets attacked even litely your chances deminish rapidly. Within 60 seconds of a missed bite I recommend changing to fresh meat. Pike are pike.... dead or alive. But an aggressive jigging action gets their attention.
  8. "walleyejigger....Do you have any chance of going bankrupt in your life time? Do you operate your own business, are you open to lawsuit, frivilous or otherwise. drive a boat without sufficient insurance coverage, build flying machines, have people land in your yard that could crash/die and have spouse/family sue your ass...etc ..etc.. or any scenario that sees you sued for more than your insurance company is going to cover you for? Any RSP you've worked hard to build up that is held with a bank/trust company etc is gone in the above scenarios.....RSP's with a life insurance company with a named beneficiary can not be touched by any of the above...because it's not your money..it's assigned to someone else already, you just haven't died yet." Would inc. my small buisness make a my personal rrsp protected when named in a lawsuit. I have two million liabilty, But being a a heating contractor, I have the potential to be sued for more. ie burn down a row of homes, all contents, or even god forbid, kill or maim. My understanding is, unless I inc. I am open to such lawsuits if I was to be namned personally in a lawsuit. How should I be structuring my rrsp.. Does it do me any good to hide behind the vail of life insuance.
  9. Is there food and beverage available?
  10. Are those glow beads? Your colour selections are great. Keep it up so I can relieve you from a couple that are not good enough for your high standards
  11. Would inc. a small buisness protect your rrsp's, Either through a bank, or life insurance policy? With or without a benificary?
  12. How much is a membership?
  14. What I enjoy is getting topic reply notifications from OFC when I'm workin Fishing never has time to get to far from your brain, instantly calming What I dislike are Cabelas emails at two in the morning BTW does anyone know how to turn off email alert on outgoing emails?
  15. Quick grab the auger
  16. My problem is I now have so many lures, Its hard to build confidence in the recent additions. I always tend to go back to the sure bets. How long do you guys give a new lure in a day of fishing... 1 hour 2 hours all day
  17. What the heck, Slayer sells out and the Hip only draw 9,000 I was at the hip I think at least thats what the wife tells me.... Life is such a blur
  18. MG makes a fine spinerbait. Only $12 at Lebaron. Problem is if you only have one of any colour, I guarantee you'll loose it. Always buy in two's.
  19. Hey crazyhook, If you got your eye on the magic muskie bait let me know. All help confidential
  20. Yep, a friend of mine was a victim of downsizing when the move was made. So I may sound a little bitter.
  21. Just thought you folks may want to here this. A possible solution to trying to get phone/tech support from someone who speaks English is.... Ask for help in French! 9 out of 10 times you will be transferred to someone in Montreal as opposed to Bangladesh There should be at least one bilingual person who can help This trick should work on all multinational company's who offshore their phone support Finally I don't have to lose it, every time I call
  22. Zib, would the next progression for you be to become a cfp, and manage portfolios?
  23. I just recently started my own heating company in Ottawa. Last time, I had time to check, it had been about two years. I got a layoff two years ago, had no kids at the time(just a mortgage) and that was the kick in the ass I required. I set up McCrostie Mechanical(shameless plug) knowing the technical side of the business, now I had to learn the suit side of things. I didn't want fail, as most sole proprietors don't. This ment working every chance I could. My first June, I worked 38 strait days. Boy I'm Glad to be paying for a boat I can't use. So the next year I hired more employees, to free up my time. This creates huge problems. Finding the right people, training, deductions, writing paychecks. Once again no fishing. My one largest complaint would have to be paperwork.... It's everywhere. Piles of it. It takes time, even if your service job ended at 5 you would do paperwork long after the kids are off to bed. Once again no fishing. If you work a 4o hour work week now, It could be worse. My pb is close to 100 hours. My word of caution DO NOT pay any franchise fees A friend of mine now owes 200,000 a sure bet that failed. unless its tims
  24. bps had a cheap calcutta when I was there last same frame cheaper guts Very satisfied... Make sure you get a push button my C4 has the most akward button, and I cant stand casting with it. I have also had to replace my internal plastic parts twice now. If you get off balance while pitching a heavy lure and manage to close your bail with the lure still airborne, the reel can break Very nice rod though... I have the same rod with my pore mans calcutta
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