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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. hhaha.. funny comment made by tj.. haha.. but very true.. that happened to me last last year..when i shared a canoe with a friend.. he tried to stand up in it.. guess what happened... i was not pleased...
  2. hey hey.. welcome to the site.. you're sure they don't have them?? well. when in doubt. check ebay!.. see if you can find them there. cheers
  3. lol.. i totally agree with troutologist.. test it in warmer waters..lol.. also is the canoe wide? if it is.. might be okay and won't tip so easliy.. but if it's the slimmer ones.. i'd be a bit scared when ducks come around..
  4. also, for inflatable.. the material in them are pretty thick/tough and some have the board floor so the dog wouldn't puncture that. maybe your best bet is the folding boat.
  5. i would think with having a hyper dog in the canoe would be a bit scary.. and not too much space too for the dog to move around in either. well if you don't want the canoe, i'd buy it!!
  6. dahh.. again...
  7. grrr.. i just misesd this!! ahh
  8. holy crap you guys are fast....
  9. i don't know an exact model but i highly recommend canon products. helped me win a few photographer awards.
  10. yup, mike, thats the one. maybe when the chance rolls around, i may pick up a newer one, but this one starts up and runs pretty good for the 5seconds that i had it running. i didn't see the water pumping so i just turned it off, risking damage. any tips on these motors? thanks
  11. very cool. thanks for the info. i used to be part of the cadets, for 7 years. went to rank of sgt and retired.
  12. i'll either be getting mine from http://www.vintageoutboard.com/JEImpellers...Impeller_1.html for $15 plus shipping or from a marine store very close to my place. i used to have the manual for these motors but i JUST threw it out on the day before i got the motor, so i plan on heading over to the reference library and take a good look(photocopy.. hehe)... however i still do have the original manual for my old 6hp.. so that should give me some ideas. maybe i should try and attempt to take pictures of each step. hopefully i don't screw up too badly..
  13. welcome! have fun on the board!
  14. great, you guys are the best. now onto ordering the impeller...
  15. hm.. thanks bernie.. i guess i'll go order that peice and learn to change it.. i'm guessing it'll be around the same as a 6hp one?
  16. i just tried that.. never knew about that one.. thank you very much!!!
  17. oh, and all the fumes are most likely coming from the seafoam.
  18. well good news for me i guess! my brother in law's neighbour gave me a 9.5 johnson, pretty old. 1969 but hey, it's free. so i'm trying to figure it out.. i have it running, i believe the water intake is right where above the propeller but i don't see where the water outlet is there, i see a hole coming from just under the hood but i only see fumes coming out of that, no water. I was thikning of replacing the impeller asap but wanted to see if it was a dud. so either i don't know where the water outlet is or no water is getting pumped up. any help on that one? aswell, for the throttle, when i try to turn it to fast, i can't seem to physically turn it all the way to where it says "fast", is something stuck or should i really jam it? thanks!
  19. found a little neat site since alex aka urban angler asked something about them http://www.georgescustomrods.com/split_your_grip.htm
  20. go brodeur go!!
  21. i've lost faith in the leafs.. sigh...
  22. not sure if this was posted. but here is bush talking about global warming, pretty funny i think http://youtube.com/watch?v=CKJ2fu_Gluo
  23. interesting.. nice to know.. thanks
  24. heres some info http://www.torontoport.com/port_permits_intro.asp
  25. you can search for the toronto port authority.. you have to go through some tests and i think it's something like $50-100 for this.
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