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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. After seeing young_one's successful mod to his rod to add the st croix spring bobber, I decided to do it to a few of my rods too. Original thread- http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=50635 Items used for surgery Rod repair kit from BPS @ $7.99 (contains three rod tips) St croix spring bobbers from JB @ $9.99 each or Radio world @ $7.00 but radio world only has one MH and one H left for this season Plastic things from home depot @ 0.24 each because the home depot I went to didn't have the wire grommets that young_one used Fits right into the rod tips My old spring bobber from BPS Home made on bottom, legend on bottom Home made on bottom, legend on bottom Legend rod in the middle with two of my home made ones
  2. just bend a bit to make it parallel (2) position is the best angle for bite detection/sensitivity
  3. Haha! Good job Will! Looks pretty good. but the spring should be more parallel with the rod, it should bend down to that position when you got the lure/line through
  4. that's alot of blood inside the hut... lol
  5. it's a beaut! what did you get it on?
  6. nice to have to warm up the hut a few degrees http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/SportsRec/1/Hunting/Heaters/PRD~0762117P/Coleman%252BSportcat%252BPropane%252BHeater.jsp?locale=en
  7. OHHH. I was so lost thanks TJ
  8. here is a post that was back in 2008.. didn't seem like they are that good of a quality... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=26508
  9. True- when it is not windy out, you don't need one but it is nice to shield your eyes from the bright sun/snow. Also with a hut, if the water clarity permits, you can even see the fish!
  10. I tried re-positioning my pop up during 15-20k winds. It was a parachute! My friend had to come over and hold it down in order for me to anchor it down.
  11. I pulled a 2 man clam nanook with someone, with his gear, my gear and gas auger.....Very little walking to the spot... I was about to pass out We're young dudes too, in the 20s.
  12. pop out pros -small so it can fit into almost any vehicle (my 3 man eskimo can fit into my 2 seater car) -lightweight -cheaper to buy -you can stand up in it -lots of room for you and gear if you go solo with it cons -you need to set it up/ take down. Taking down takes a minute and packing it back into the bag takes two. -once you set up, it seems to be a hassle to re position -how durable are the rods/nodes/flex points? with it popping in and out all the time? flip over pros -its on a sled -just need to flip over the top and you're ready to fish -small area, can be pro or con, but it will be easier to keep warm/heated in there cons -you better make sure it can fit in your vehicle (my clam fish trap scout can only fit into a SUV, truck or hatch, no regular cars ) -heavier -higher purchase price If you are going with people, I'd say pop up. If you are going solo, I'd say flip over so you can do more exploring. edit: btw I'm on foot too.
  13. Yikes! I was wondering how durable the hut will be with this need of popping in and out all the time
  14. I have the eskimo quick fish 3 which is pretty much the same thing i think. I open it myself all the time. Just pop out the roof/top piece first then the sides of the hut. Sometimes it goes smoothly and it will pop right up, sometimes I need to pull it against the wind...
  15. My brother had to flip some videos around when he uploaded them from the camera to the pc. He said he did it with windows media player I think. Fiddle around with it...?
  16. Etec with XD100 oil for the cold temps
  17. You could make one
  18. check out DT Powersports or Bay City Marine. The impacts seem quite similar to the explorers..
  19. With all the pressure from dragging big muskie lures you'd probably be better off with the downeasters. If it was for salmon fishing, it'd probably be fine to get the scotty power locks or the new orcas. The bert tracks are very nice in that you can adjust the position of the rod holder to where you want. Also, when not in use you can the slide step pads to make it look clean on your bowrider. (Note- this is from trogan tackle but they are the same size and idea) (Note- this is from traxstech)
  20. If you don't want them and they are a good deal, I'd be interested in them
  21. Yup, one of the bolt head snapped right off on my clam fish trap....
  22. Get a heater victor I just got one over the weekend. Worked great in the hut(the eskimo hut fits in the honda!). Should've came out to Gilford. I found a spot(gps-ed ) that has some aggressive perch.. haha.
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