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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Awsome...l Now Paul thats an art....lol
  2. Davey i am sorry to say but there is only one propper fix , i dig them all for Miller plumbing all over barrie each year , resposability is yours from the house to the side walk the city will quick to tell you , its theirs from the side walk to the main , What i always find when i dig is the old pipes are starting to collapse or have become ovel , the good news is there is a part of barrie where the city approve a certain kind of pipe to be used years back and if when we dig and find this pipe the city will foot the entire expence for the replacement . When it becomes ovel its just about impossible to put the roture thru them . Sorry Davey .
  3. Awsome and it wont be long ............. lol
  4. I would'nt be to quick to call him that Bill , i just picked it up off of one of his emails one time , could be his wifes name for all i know ..............................just Billwee
  5. Thats a picture and ahalf Harrison.........lol.
  6. 1988 i worked for Wolfgan Shrodder , we hit it off and he always favored getting me for his speacial projects and it blew me away every time he came to me with one , i had always feared letting him down til one day he told me this , He said that my problem was i listen to to many people and that i needed to start listening to my self like he did every day in his life , i took this to heart and use it every day since , Wolf and i celabrate our birthdays on the same day and always manage to let one another know we are still thinking of each other from time to time
  7. Just do it .......lol , get greative and do the marketing your self ,that way you'll get to make a bit of money before the big guys come and ruin it .
  8. Awsome and Thank you Springbok .
  9. Harold , the 47 is down ner you now in a Mopar collectors collection , the GMC i sold to GSW transport in Lassal Winsor , sorry for the bad spelling .
  10. Thanks Harold , but i was waiting for you to come on and say that was nothing and that you guys in the south had lots of them all ready , but my story is that i 've taken the pat on the back up here for being the first one in Ontario to do it . I traveled around with both trucks at the time and atended shows apon request back then , a years or so later after my presents were known the smart guys up here with more money then i started building them with new Freightliners , kinda like the tape on Waynes diapairs
  11. Springbok you ready for this , there are cures for cancer around and have been for some time , any one remember the 90 year old lady with a cure for it here in centrel Ont . I know of a few people who claim she cured them completly , needless to say the powers that be went to work to quiet this person up and she is no more . Theres alot more to this story but i wont tell it here on the board other then to say , the people with this vacine were not always the only ones with the ingredints .
  12. Thanks Paul , any one want to see how you put a two post car hoist in a regular garage with an 8" ceiling so you can work on your corvette in your spare time .......... lol . If you can think it you can build it .
  13. i did this one in 1998 , a 1947 Dodge five ton into what fooled every one as a power wagon .Is that crazy enough for you Billwee
  14. Heres one i did a few years back "1993" , turned a dump truck into a full size pickup
  15. P.S Jason , remember its cheaper to remove the trees with the stump with the excavator , so don't go cutting them all down till you know for sure .
  16. Well i was thinking i could do something for him where the clearing and driveway are consern
  17. Send me a Pm and i'll show you my web site , i might just be able to keep you with in your budjet or at least for some of it
  18. The best donuts i ever , well there were many but that little bakery that used to be beside the train tracks in Baden Ont ...awsome.
  19. Most Tims per , i'd say London Ont .
  20. Dam i remembered ... sorry , its 5:38 and i can still see the colour of my neigbours eyes across the road,Thanks to every one who toke part in this silly thread of mine ........... Ron
  21. Done , good luck with your work on this .
  22. When's this Jan 25th thing over any ways billwee bob
  23. I the dam rum cap , and gets that into ya before eyes shivers your timbers . Jess those meds are strong he gave me yesterday .........lol
  24. You alway s make me hungry......... lol , nice that you got to have a good day out there .
  25. Eye ye buch of blowk's its yer old skipper here , we's just sail'der back from the darn deserts and i's got a story for's ya ...Now give's me my Rum before i's run ya thru . so i down my rum and whip what speiled off my beard then , So eye's sailed the seven sea's and gots me all the darn gold dars was in dem deserts and left no mates alive , them dam nife carrie'n swore wheelin camell ride'in stab ya's in the night no good theffin bunch off's no good for nuff'ins ........eye wheres me dam rum yey dam swine . How did i do Roy
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