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Everything posted by sonny

  1. If you look behind the air filter box. there you will find a connector that is part ot the alternator wiring,,,it is a coomon problem for that connector to go bad causing the alternator to not charge the vehicles battery,,,the wa to check that is to do a voltage drop test across the connector or from the alt to the battery,,,if there is a problem with the plug just cut it out and wire direct with solder and heat shrink,,,,you may have just masked the problem with a new battery but if there is a problem it'll catch you at the worst time!
  2. Thanks there tracker,,,,next time will go for first and big fish,,,lol,,,,was a great time ,,well organized,,,and a great fish fry afterwards,,,out on the water sure does make a man thirsty and hungry!!!! Nothin better then a freash catch with a cool refreshing drink after a haurd day of walleye hunting!!! :D ps...did manage a limit for the boat,,,man were they on fire!
  3. just a little ditty on steve's behalf,,,i wouldn't have caught half the fish i have this year without his help!! which was free!! Anytime i have talked with him he is morre then willing to let me know the depthes or where or what they are hitting on!! I enjoy his posts to find out whats going on in my area and how the fishing has been...So corey,,,cudoes for sticking up for whats right,,,,thats one of the reasons why we are all here,,,to learn,,,and if it has to be someone who makes his living fishing then so be it,,,,who better??
  4. congrats for sure!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Well it was a blast for sure!!! but sure wish ya woulda called me two min earlier!! Can't wait to see how the show turn out, i know it'll be good!!
  6. charter would be the way to go...Talk to fishmatr chaters steve,,he cherters for differant fish too so you'll have a choice!!...i highly recommend him!
  7. well just a little update for the masses,,,"IT" hasn't happened since,((knock on wood))...been fishing my brains out latly,,sorry about no reports but mostly fishing by myself and can't seem to get pics of myself holding fish,,,but here's a few when i got out with freinds!! just random pics of days past! http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s55/son...fishing0029.jpg http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s55/son...fishing0028.jpg http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s55/son...fishing0023.jpg http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s55/son...fishing0022.jpg this is when we caught "bob" http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s55/son...fishing0026.jpg and my new fav pic!! http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s55/son...fishing0025.jpg
  8. Thanks arron,,,i also own a humminbird and made my choice over lowrance for a reason,,and thats because i researched carfully before making my choice,,,not just going with the flow!
  9. the noise does not spook the fish it actually draws them in like an atractor,,,,keep em hummin!!!!
  10. man,,,way cool...who knew i'll have to try that next time i'm down east!!!,,,can't wait to see the episode!!
  11. welcome,,,and i salute you for the great work you do for our country,,,,may you catch the biggest of fish!!
  12. well decided being such a beatifull day i would head out after work to try and catch the big one for the salmon derby,,,,and you guessed it got skunked,,,which believe me i can't even rember the last time my boat has been skunked,,,fish everywhere between 210-60ft of water at all depthes outside of bronte harbour. while not many fished marked and even fewer baitfish everything had lockjaw...The bight was tough last night also only catching two small salmon,,,maybe the're east now after the storm last week the temps are still not back up to where they were,,,,,,anyway alwaays hurts when a skunk bite's ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. hey guys,,i'll do better then that,,just so happens my buddy filmed it lol,,,,the first part is me fighting and landing the fish! enjoy,,pretty funny actually,,,tough to land by yourself!! http://s177.photobucket.com/albums/w224/la...nt=7644bc1a.flv the rest is of tony catching his big bow!
  14. well as i stated earlier,,430 came early!!....was on the road by 445 heading out to port credit with anouther boat meeting me there,,,did ok with 6 fish..3 rainbow 20 shakers and the first fish that weighed in at 21lbs,,nice fight!!,,,got off the water at around 1:30 as the skies were looing like rain,,,headed for timmies and then home for a nap!!...sorry no pics,,,battery was dead!
  15. man 4;30 is early...of to the credit for salmon!!
  16. get one for sure,,,may save your motor,,,and if your not sure of the lake,,,go slow,,,they'll come up from a hundred feet to zero in no time ,,,right out in the middle sometimes
  17. don't mess with mother nature,,,,just barley got off the lake in time before it whipped up,,,was like a hurricane winds trying to get the boat allcovered up,,whew,,,just walked in the door,,,like gerrit said,,,weather man called for 30% chance of percipitation,,hmm
  18. was a great time for sure!!!,,,and nice hveing your sis come with ya so i don't have to do the posting,,,lol
  19. Had a great time on the boat with steve and the gang,,,fishing was non-stop for the time we were out...lots of room on the boat to move around,,,just great all together!!,,,what a blast!!!!!!!!!!!! ohh and they tasted great too!!!
  20. yep,,,weather pemitting will be out,,,but always good walleye in the grand river even if ya can't get out on the lake,,,stop by fishmasters store and he'll give ya some tips i'm sure,,,ohh and the minnows help!!,,lol
  21. welcome aboard,,,always glad to see some seasoned angles joining our family!!!
  22. nope not at all,, they have to be screened very carefully,,,drop them off to me and i'll let you know if they are ok to eat!!!
  23. nice brown for sure!!
  24. will let ya know tomorrow!!
  25. great to see the little ones got some action too!!!
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