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Everything posted by MichaelAngelo

  1. Hmm, anyone else have thoughts about this? Once I get the presentation figured out?
  2. Awesome thanks for the advice everyone. What I'm going to try now is put all the tackle I used in a separate box (I have the space) and then dry that one out when I get back. This system should work nicely. And rice sounds like an interesting idea, the cell-phone saver strikes again lol =)
  3. My first report with a "catch" and with pictures for 2012. I spent the afternoon today taking advantage of the warm weather. Got to Ontario Place around 2pm. Fished along the water in front of both parking lots trying to target pike. I started with a big willow-blade spinner with a wire leader. Another guy was fishing there as well. I asked him for advice, he advised against the big spinnerbait and wire leader. I donwsized to a spoon tied on directly. I tried to cover the water as methodically as I could. Eventually switched to a noname silver sinking swimbait (that I pulled off of a salmon in the Fall hahaha) featured in the picture. I didn't see any action unfortunately. So I'm dying to spend a day out there with somebody who knows what they're doing and is able to get reliable pike hits =D. I did catch a crayfish, it has fish in the name at least =P. This little buddy was a nice surprise. Around 5pm I moved the car further east. I found some free parking around the island air port. From there I worked the Spadina Quay marina at the foot of Spadina avenue but no luck there either. I fished into the dark, till about 7pm. I started using a glow-in-the-dark spoon for a bit. Anyway, I was glad to get a line wet. Anticipated pike is always exciting, just wish I could spend some time with a seasoned vet to show me how it's done. Also my rod (I think it's 6ft) didn't help on the casting front... should I invest in a proper length 10ft. or 12 ft. rod? Would really help the action and casting i think.
  4. Hey guys, When you're done with a lure, do you put it right back into the tackle box? I noticed this humidifies my whole tackle box and rusts my hooks. What do you do to avoid this? Should I poke some holes in my trays? I have trays like this, but from dollarama lol
  5. Lots of angling forums require registration in order to view the "reports" section. But this forum doesn't have a clear-cut reports section. All that aside, this thread is hilarious =D
  6. Err well I was out in Bronte for 3 days so far this season... first time salmoning as well. and... darn well salmon don't bite anything once they're in the rivers. So I'm surprised you got a salmon. Do you think the fish swam into the lure or did you see it strike? If they do bite then your presentation matters... if they don't then you can have any kind of set-up and your odds will be the same =( Regardless, the general rule of thumb is clear water/close quarters use a minimalist presentation (natural colours, very small amount of roe). EDIT: You can use a small hook too, big fish doesn't necessarily mean big hook. I had one on for a few minutes on a #12 hook even. Float fish or "bottom bounce" with a split-shot up the line.
  7. amazing pictures, especially like the one with the maple leaf.
  8. Yes but... try telling that to somebody who's only ever caught meesly panfish and baby bass all their life XD. When I was a kid I saw the salmon running and it was a great moment that cemented the fishing hobby for me. edit: Oh and unless I drive 2 hours up north for pike/musky, there really isn't any other option for 20 pound fish from shore =(... is there? edit2: unless I pull a Jeremy Wade teeheeee
  9. Hi guys first off I want to appologize for breaching forum rules. But don't people name water bodies every time they post a fishing report? I had a good time today, caught my first salmon. I've come a long way since I joined this forum, first pike, first salmon. So I also want to extent my thanks to those who've helped me learn.
  10. Last night we went for a drive around looking for salmon in the river near bridges, didn't find any. We drove to the mouth of the river and some kind of fish were making splashes, not sure if they were salmon. There were about 4 guys fishing the mouth. We fished for about an hour and a half till 1:30am then called it a night. No bites for anyone.
  11. I must say these pictures are absolutely stunning, bravo!!! Camera make/model?
  12. OMGOSH I saw this post and I must reply! Recent story: Fishing off the dock at my friend's cottage, no luck with mepps, rapala shads, spoons, etc. Got frustrated so I took out this old random lure I didn't even know how to work in the water and... BAM smallmouth as soon as it hit the water. Anyway.... *pats myself on the back* good story
  13. So epic, huge cudos!! What area are you guys in? Random lakes around GTA seem to be mostly Private Property XD... except for 1...
  14. Perfect! Just the advice I'm looking for. Adding it to the to-do list. Now, anybody know anyplace we can tackle as a day-trip? Within 1 or 2 hr drive?
  15. Hello guys I'm back at this! My friend and I are looking for an adventure. We're from Toronto, looking for a piking spot not more than a few hours away that we can hit with our canoe for one or two days. Lake Ontario: We've fished Frenchmen's bay in July/August with no luck whatsoever. I saw one guy catch a Freshwater Drum... that's it. Lake Simcoe: Looking for something smaller to take the canoe out onto... smaller and calmer. Anybody got a choice lake in the Kawarthas or something? A lake that isn't all private. A lot of them are. If we just pick a random lake on Google Maps we might get stuck with private property. Thanks for the help! EDIT: Just wanted to add that I like wilderness. We wouldn't hesitate to pack a tent and portage. My first and only pike was caught portaging in Killarney PP.
  16. I'll be going on a 5-day canoe trip with 2 of my friends around Bell, David, Great Mountain, Killarney and Carlyle lakes. Has anyone fished these waters before that can offer some advice? I'd like to target pike and walleye, and I'm regretful to say I've never before caught these species! So any advice for those species would be great! Remember I'll be out of a canoe, I'm expecting rocky, deep lakes. Thanks!!
  17. Not that I do anything illegal, but this story scares the jeebies out of me. Asking to see pictures on your camera? *shudders*
  18. My friends and I have done it before, we rented a boat for a few morning hours on Rice Lake. We soon realized that we were 4 guys, in an aluminum boat, no instruments, and no idea where to FIND THE FISH! So we fished an arbitrary spot in the lake on bottom with worms/hooks, caught very little. We kept changing spots, but nothing any more exciting than tiny sunfish. What would you guys do in this situation to find fish?
  19. Oh my wow! =D Looks like fun! Got a question, I'm new to fishing and trying to learn as much as I can. You guys mentioned you were fishing with jigs, and I saw a bobber on the line. Why the jig and not just a plain hook for bobber fishing? Sorry it's a stupid question but I just want to understand why/how people rig up their tackle in a certain way.
  20. Huge props on you guys! You're exploring, offroading, canoeing, surviving and fishing. Sound like a heck of an adventure!
  21. Hahah yeah. Worms on hooks and the small fish usually eat the worms off . I'd like to catch anything other than small perch and panfish... so bass? Pike aren't common this time of year are they? What about musky?
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