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Everything posted by Deano

  1. Deano

    HDR Daisy

    Great HDR work Evan, I took a few shots of them as well, but haven't tried any in HDR. It's been windy and everthing is always moving. LOL
  2. You caught more than fish, you have memories of a lifetime. The little guys expression says it all.
  3. My camera will do roughly 2.5 per second. but after the third pic it really slows down. But my RAW images are anywhere from 8 to 19 megs. Really takes a while to upload them to the computer. Which program are you using to convert the RAW images.
  4. Well we were out fishing on the weekend and my wife Monique caught a Freshwater drum. It gave her a great fight, but she was dissapointed as she was hoping it was a walleye. I didn't know what it was till I looked it up in the fishing regs. Weighed 5Lbs and measured almost 22". We released it as I wasn't gonna eat it. We did also manage some nice walleye and some bass to bring home for supper. We also saw this guy on our way home. He has velvet antlers.
  5. Wow, Great shots Evan, that second one is awesome. Could be a postcard.
  6. Thanks, We did read a few of the bench plaques, but I can't remember the names. It is the bench that is closest to the sundial if that helps.
  7. Got these a few weeks back, we drove to North Bay for the day. Did not fish but saw some people fishing. Just went for a little tour, a few geocaches and then to the shopping mall. It was raining off and on but still managed a few pics. Hope you enjoy. Sunset Park Along the waterfront
  8. Deano


    Great shots Dan, the second one is such a cool location with the tunnel. That's still on my to do list, go to Lake Superior for the photos.
  9. I got the Sony DSLR A350. Liking it more and more every day.
  10. Great pics Brandon. Great colors in the first one and wow, the second one has an amazing wide angle. I picked up a new camera and will be needing some lens for it, still getting use to it for now.
  11. That is what it's all about, doesn't get much better than that. Great report and awesome memories for the family.
  12. Great shot there. I like the colors reflecting on the water. Got one similar many years ago on Nippissing, great place to watch the sun go down because it's to the east that you get those colors.
  13. Wow, great shot, well done on the framing. I'd like to go there on a white puffy cloud day, just to make the sky even better.
  14. Awesome Pam, very cool, the mural mosaic looks like it will also be awesome when completed.
  15. Great shots Brandon, the third one is just awesome.
  16. Deano

    Lake Muskoka

    Great shot Dan, captured well. Hope your having a great spring/summer.
  17. Great shots, especially the eagles. The second eagle pic looks intimidating.
  18. Deano

    Grand Canyon

    Here's a pic I got of the Grand Canyon. What a spectacular sight. Here's a pic from the Stratospere of Las Vegas And one from Red Rock Canyon More pics at my Flickr site
  19. Passed, nice pics.
  20. Awesome captures, the bald eagle with all those minnows and some that fell free from his grasp is amazing. Beautiful salmon you caught too.
  21. Great capture, what an emotional pic.
  22. Deano


    Went down to catch a few shots while it was calm out, Here's one of the shots.
  23. Deano

    Spring ?

    What happened to spring, most of our trees have there fall colors. I guess the frost the other night got everything all screwed up. I went out to get some green shots and ended up with these. They have just sprouted out and already changed colors. Notice all the fall colors in the background also.
  24. Great capture, never seen any of those. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Deano

    Wood duck

    Wow, beautiful duck, great capture. I like the ship one also, like the point of view you used.
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