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Everything posted by UglyBug

  1. Kinda like seat belts, when you need them and your not wearing them its to late. I always buckle up and always wear my PFD.
  2. Sounds like the throttle linkage is stuck somewhere and its not letting the carbs return to there idle location. Check to see if the throttle has any restrictions preventing it from returning to the idle postion.
  3. Cool
  4. Big cruzer pulling along side me on the Rideau a few years ago guy sticks his head up and asks if I want to buy some weed, they guy I was fishing with was RCMP OMG the look on his face was priceless
  5. Ok lets see if we can bring this sad excuse for a post up to a funny side
  6. Wow I am almost speechless at this thread. I cannot ever recall seeing so much hate like some are showing here. I have owned everything from small tinnies to big bass boats. I try to drive carefully around people and always show respect to others. To be clumped into the group of disrespectful boat owners is offensive to me. I have to say personally the problems I see more often than not are from party barges and jetskis but this has nothing to do with the boats but the operator's skill, competency behind the helm, and personal makeup. The simple fact is all boat owners have the capability to be great operators, or just plain dangerous operators. The boat has nothing to do with common sense, or with the long lost art of being courteous to each other. I don't wish disaster or damage to anyone, I just wish we could all respect each other and not take this nasty attitude I am starting to see on this board. I know it's a stretch but we need to re learn respect for each other all over again, before we paint a group of people with innuendo and blame.... Yes I drive a Bass Boat, and I am proud that I ama safe and respectful operator!
  7. You lost a Tiley For Shame...
  8. Did you get her number I might be looking
  9. Nope I have used tubes for almost evrything, They are not just for Bass..
  10. Not sure about that brand, but it looks like it has all the necessary features for an on board charger. Will provide 8 amps to 2 batteries so that should be ok. I prefer 5 per bank myself but for the price I think it will work fine.
  11. Yup the comment took me by suprise as well
  12. Just search Google for Kawartha propeller repair shop. It's part of buckhorn marina. They do really sweet work. Not sure they sell new. They did my Tempest 23 could not tell,it had been tipped
  13. There's been cougars in Ottawa for years, you just have to go to the right bar to find them
  14. Now I know why you needed that 28 foot trailer
  15. You bet the toobinator taugh me this trick
  16. I fish alot of tubes and I tend to stick with dark blue or pumpkin seed. I rig them with a bell sinker pushed inside and captured with a Eagle Claw Shaw Grigsby HP Hook here's the link http://www.tacklewar...page-ECHPT.html if using this hook always use braid and check often, this setup tends to cut none braid really fast. I always direct tie using palomer knot, just don't like the swivels going thru my guides. This time of year i fish the smaller tubes and slowly bounce them thru deeper weed beds if you can find them.
  17. Maybe the impeller got installed reversed, I have heard that happening. When you get up to speed the vanes can't close all he way and pressure drops
  18. I would say that sounds like a water pump or maybe a thermostat issue. Should be a relativley easy fix. I would not run it until its figured out you cold blow something
  19. Holy crap batman Time for steel jocks....
  20. The Master Bass-ter

  21. UglyBug


    I agree, I just don't understand why people think they have the right to trash the place like they do. To me they are just scum bags
  22. Hey bro no worries here just goes to show you people always resort to,stupid if you give them time. Not once did I bash or disrespect anyone here I just said simple truths from my perspective. I guess people need to resort to,name calling and other childish stunts to make themselves fel,like they won something. I have no hard feelings about any of it because i really could care less. I just say that those who I have Been chatting with on the side seem like really great people and those i can learn from. As you can plainly see I have few posts here because I have heard from several people that the overall atmosphere is really posion when someone disagrees, well,say it first hand myself tonight you should be totally ashamed of yourselves for some of the stuff that has been said.
  23. Well people its been a blast have fun with the post I will not be commenting anymore as they say about a dead horse no sense beating one. And just for the record I listen to those I really know not those who I have never met. It not a sign of disrespect but one of choosing who you trust Oh and since it's my boat in the vid I suggest you remove this post ASAP Ta ta all
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