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Everything posted by UglyBug

  1. Maybe it has to do with the politcal climate in Quebec "just saying"
  2. My my aren't you a sarcastic type. Superman LOL not at all, no where did is say LSF I said I have fished in rough weather. I guess your rough weather is rougher than mine LOL. Unlike many I have nothing to prove to anyone just the facts mam just the fact LOL and if I have to die I can think of no place better than doing what I love, fishing from my Ranger
  3. Have I ever stuffed my Ranger, yup sure did came around a point into the main body of water I fish in and hit the wind and chop dead on took me by suprise speared the wave dead on at about 25 mph but the boat handled it like a champ. I know lots of guys who fish LSF for bass and go out in all kinds of weather. Would I fish walleye from it nope, not because the boat could not handle the water but it's not set up for that species, and neither am I
  4. Totally disagree, I fish in all kinds of weather including severe chop. Never felt like I was going overboard and I stand all day. It comes down to knowing what your doing, what's going on around you, always wearing a life vest and not being stupid on the water. Fish like weather and so do I. I was out a few weeks ago with wind gusts to 35 mph and felt completely safe. Mind you I own a Ranger so that might be why :-)
  5. From my perspective does not really matter as long as your happy with your gear. However I got rid of all my gear and replaced it with GLX IMX and GL2 Loomis rods and switched over to all Chronarch reels in various sizes. Does it make me a better fisherman (nope because I already am the best ) I like the best and IMO nothing beats these two for how I fish, you might have differing ideas but I know what I like. Recently had a 18 year old Loomis IMX Mag bass re-eyed with the Loomis tungsten guides and wow what a rod still. That rod has caught hundreds of fish in18 years and still one of my go to rods. That's quality
  6. · Remove the drain plug · If it has a live well run RV antifreeze thru the system on recirculate for about 5minutes to insure all water in hoses is removed · Jackup the trailer and block it so all weight is off the tires Check the tire pressures then cover the tires with plastic bags to keep the weather off them · If it has an onboard fuel tank I would use marine stabile, it's the blue stuff not the red one, run the motor for about ten minutes to circulate the stabile thruthe motor. I then use Seafoam in the tank with the stabile · Lower the motor and let all the water drain from the lower unit · I then replace the lower unit oil, this allows me to see if there is any water inthe oil as well as insure I have fresh oil for the spring · If you're not going to remove the batteries make sure they have a full charge · I also remove any fuses so that there is no oxidization as well as insures that nothing gets switched on by accident over the winter · If the boat has any compartments I always prop them open for circulation. · I remove the prop and check the seals then re-grease the prop shaft and replace prop · Cover and dream of the start of a new fishing season J
  7. I kept the same size lure, slow it down to a crawl and I go deep. Was out today switched up my normal summer depth and went down a lot deeper and when I found the magic depth I smashed them hard....even did a double with a large pike who wanted my bass Weather was cold and rainy on the lake with lines of showers going thru I was guiding today and knew it was going to be a challenge, but as soon as I changed to my fall patern we had a blast, guy in the boat with me had never fished bass and we ended up getting him a 4 pound smallie. To say the least he was a happy man..
  8. I was in that boat when the guy did the hard 90 towards it. I spent years in the security field and have dealt with the US Navy doing contract, work they really do shoot first then say . The guy was a total DORK and should be grounded for doing stupid stuff like that. Totally not smart at all:wallbash:
  9. http://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/rainwear-dwr.html
  10. He is indeed a standup guy, as I said have fished a lot worst by myself, however in a bigger boat he handled himself like a total professional. As I said I was impressed.
  11. I wanted to take a few minutes to thank Mike Rousseau for two great guide excursions for walleye. For the second time Mike has proved to me that he absolute knows how to guide and produce good size numbers and quality fish. Dispite tough conditions yesterday he was able to safely put us on good fishing. when the weather closed in on us, he called it and headed into shore to wait out the squall. I am a seasoned Bass fisherman and have fished some narley weather and not a lot impresses me, however the last two trips with Mike were to say the least fantastic. So much so we are already looking to book another trip in late October. If anyone is considering hiring a guide for good quality and quantities of walleye I strongly recommend hooking up with Mike-Rousseaus-Guide-service. I know I will again Great job Mike I had a blast, most fun you could have With your pants on, or when not fishing bass which by the way last time out With Mike I happened to put my PB in the boat Brian
  12. Well ladies it's been fun. Enjoy yourselves, but Elvis has left the building
  13. By who's ethics mine or yours. I welcome opinions because i do like to see what others are saying. I don't take anything said in here as an attack because they are just words of others, I chose my level of ethics. no one else, if that happens to be opposte of others so be it. I will continue to be true to myself and if I should decide that I might like to change then that too is my choice not others. What I am trying to get across is I may not agree with what others do as long as they are not doing something legally wrong I let it be. My level is not something I can or should force on others. Its not my place.
  14. I do what I want, when I want and how I want with in the laws we have. If people don't like that, well to bad sucks to be you, Hope your a good swimmer because if that came up during a harvest of yummy fish, you would be swimming back to shore pretty darn quick. I wonder how many people would stop taking pictures of out of season fish if someone told them to stop. I think zero is the answer. All aside I have found most people have selective morals and also selective memories that they try to impose on others for the greater good. I say its time to be true to yourself and let others find thier own moral level. Almost 100% of the conflics in the worlds history are caused by someone thinking they are morally superior. The same goes for fishing. As long as I am within the laws of my area I have the right to excercise those laws to the fullest without having to defend to anyone. As I said before, if your panties are so much in a knot then lobby to get the rules changed. If the majority wants that done, and they are changed I will be the first one to adopt them with open arms. Until then, I do respect that you do have the right to think how you, do as much as other have the right to think as they do. So whois right "everyone is". Thats the beauty of opinions
  15. "Maybe to get a fishing license, you should have to take a course" Great just what we need more courses. If people are so darned upset about this, then I say get off your collective backsides and lobby. I fish, and I do keep fish when the mood strikes me. I am always within the posted regs and until they change the laws and make it illegal then i say, people who don't agree with me or others should save thier breath and not try to educate me. Thats not your job and its not something I am asking for. I fish for fun and really don't need to be converted:sarcasm: sorry meant educated. Smarted people than you and I are monitoring whats going on so let them do thier jobs.
  16. Yeah baby
  17. You even used " to wit" in the sentence I'm impressed
  18. Holy crap words of wisdom from the garage
  19. See that's your problem, you let them get up to your door.
  20. That's easy they get nothing
  21. As long as they are within the law I say people should mind their own business and move on. This will most likely cause a crap storm but I say if you are really so concerned about this, lobby to get the laws changed. Until then quit poking your nose into others business it might get poked back.
  22. And away we go.....
  23. frodo if you expect to survive here you need few things A thick skin the ability to know when to hold em, now when to fold em, now when to walk away and now when to run.... And remember this it's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt :jerry: Enjoy the ride
  24. Buy a real boat Paul and they already have the deck build for you... Nice work, another family talent. Rememebr dad use to say you want something done right do it yourself, followed by a getter done!
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