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Everything posted by fishinmortician

  1. Theres pike here, but wouldn't waste your time in that stagnant water. Used to take my dog swimming in there all the time until he kept breaking out in funky rashes. Go to waubaushene or penetang
  2. the only rapids I know are in the fish sanctuary "opens 3rd sat in may. Pickeral opens may 1st in zone 14 but sturgeon are closed all year. The reserve that is getting the fish is miles away and midland/port severn is not reserve land.
  3. Catch of a lifetime Catch of a lifetime. Submitted photo MIDLAND – Midland's Tyson James Pamajewon speared this 159-pound sturgeon while fishing for pickerel on May 4 at Port Severn. Pamajewon spotted the fish, which measured six feet nine inches long, moving in some rapids. A thrust of his spear marked the start of a 20-minute battle before he was finally able to wrestle the sturgeon ashore. Pamajewon, seen here with daughter Daanis and his massive catch, said the meat will be shared with his family and other members of his home community of Shawanaga First Nation. He added this was easily the largest fish he has ever caught, and the biggest sturgeon he's ever heard of being landed with a spear. However, it turns out the record is held by a Wisconsin man who speared a 212-pound sturgeon in 2010 in Lake Winnebago. <A href="http://www.simcoe.com/sports/article/1350505--catch-of-a-lifetime">http://www.simcoe.com/sports/article/1350505--catch-of-a-lifetime</A>
  4. I had the opportunity to fish in Nova Scotia for 4 months last year. If you saw an Osprey, you stopped to throw a line in. Here's a pic of one grabbing a Sea Trout in front of me
  5. I have the steel head model, love it. Only problem is I get it caught in the trees when Im bush wacking, too long!
  6. Great pics! I have a 2 year old and one being born this week (BOTH GIRLS IM DOOMED) and I can't wait to take the kids out and enjoy!!
  7. heres a few more fish
  8. Are you staying at Melia or hideaway or trhe new one. My wife and I went 2 years ago. We would take bikes or rent scooters and fish all the bridges and flats along the road. Caught snappers, jacks, tons of great fis[attachment. Ask chef for uncooked shrimp, and bring spider wire to wrap shrimp so the smaller fish don't steal it. Heres a few pics of roadside fishing, hope the work. My wife had a great fish on until a cuda grabbed it!
  9. Thanks, didn't know the smaller maps were available. Thats a huge help!
  10. A few weeks back someone posted about coldwater river including maps. I have searched and cannot find them on here. Can anyone help? Thanks for the help.
  11. At xmas this year I received a gift card for bear creek cottages, was so excited and asked which one of my buddies was coming, turned out, it was my 6 month pregnant wife that was coming. Turned out to be not so bad as she slept most of the time and I tended to the lines. They put us right on the fish and the bite didn't stop! Ended up with 9 Pickeral and 26 Perch and one full belly! Hope you can load the pics http://photobucket.com/davecourt
  12. stayed at idle tyme last year, great time. This year stayed off ice with Bear Creek Cottages. Wasn't tripping over rods all night and steping all over dead shinners.
  13. Does anyone have a measurement of the thickness in Callander Bay area?, heading up monday thanks
  14. Hi Guys, wondering whats working and whats not? Heading up to Bear Creek cottages in a week. Thanks
  15. 2 huts on the ice so far. A few guys walking out a bit further. As for thickness I have no idea.
  16. Just spent 45 minutes renewing mine and my wifes at crappy tire. The lady said they are trained on the new system over the phone... she had no clue. Now I have a card and a big honkin sticker to lose this year. Hope my time is paid back in fish!
  17. Anyone else having trouble with the new licensing system. Just spent 45 minutes at Crappy tire to renew mine and my wifes for 2012.
  18. Anything silver or with a hint of red. The locals really appreciate spools of braid also. Hope he has a great trip
  19. Anyone stayed with Bear Creek Cottages on Lake Nipissing?
  20. another great one!
  21. great one!
  22. Exactly what I'm looking for!!! keep them coming!!
  23. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help. Today my regional director approached me and asked what I was passionate about, and I of course explained "fishing". I went on and on for about 20 minutes, then he asked me to relate fishing to business and if I combine the two, would I be as passionate about my job as I am my hobby. He also asked my to come up with one liners that relate fishing to business. Is there anyone out there that may have a few I could borrow? Thanks for your help
  24. Toss up between Badder Santa and Christmas Vacation, both are classics though
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