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Rich Nelson

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Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. I have one, and am happy with it. I find the processor to be slow on startup, and when changing options on the map and sonar.
  2. This one came from 6 fow in late October. Definately multiple patterns happening in fall.http://s9.postimg.org/uv3cgqo8f/image.jpg
  3. Does it come with a magnifying glass?
  4. Unreal!
  5. Nice fish guys. ( not a Tiger)
  6. Not at all for a handmade quality bait.
  7. Blue Water baits, Hose baits, Bretts Baits, Wick Onez. All built like tanks, and catch a lot of big fish.
  8. The ignorant Americans trying to defend the Second Ammendment and US guns laws need to open their eyes. Over 25000 kids ( under 19) killed with guns by their own citizens in the last 10 years. Trillions spent on anti terrorist agendas, while there is a bigger problem in their own backyard. And if you think that those statistics wouldnt change if there were no handguns or automatic weapons available ( sorry, pencils and knives...) then you are proving that you dont have the intelligence level to even own a firearm.
  9. Ive been there... Ha ha. You are probably right in your original post, but there are enough people out there that are just plain stupid ( without drugs or alcohol to impair judgement)
  10. Muskies prefer large forage, so to up your odds in a very low density water, I would stick with the bigger baits.
  11. No need to be a know it all smarta$$
  12. Nice job guys, great fish!
  13. South shore was great in the spring, but has been very slow since. 2 tough years in a row, hope next season is better.
  14. Not likely, but its possible. Post original pics of the fish Old Ironmaker. An artists rendition on the mount doesnt mean much.
  15. The Crown attorney stated that Jonathan shot at what he thought was a buck ( from the road) When he went to retrieve it, he discovered it was a hunter dressed in camo. There was no deer. The charge of criminal negligence causing death is very difficult to prove. The charge of careless use of a firearm is not difficult to prove, so why were all charges dropped?
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