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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Thanks again guys,met with Louis today,dropped my prop off and he is going to repair,change pitch and throw in a washer for $90 bucks. Prop will be as good or better than new. I guess the shop has split up,he's at the same address but his name and phone number has changed. Here's the new info,"City wide propeller repair"-phone number 905-612-8040. Seems to be very busy.Thanks again.davey.
  2. Thanks rattletrap2,I'll keep that place in mind as well.
  3. Thanks wallyboss,that's the way I'm going.I don't know how they would get the right pitch if all blades were damaged?.Luckily with one blade not touched they can get it right.
  4. Thanks workwear,it is actually really close to one of my customers on Kimbel rd.
  5. Thanks drifter I'll give them a call Monday.davey
  6. I'm almost thinking it might of been sand or one bolder in the wrong spot as there is not any paint off the keel of the drive which hangs a little lower than the prop. The ends of the two blades are cracked and bent over. Only a small sliver missing. Thanks for the help guys.davey
  7. Went out this morning out of the wasaga river and wouldn't you know it,a good distance out and my fish finder is reading 5'. Can't be right,about a half km from shore no brown or shallow water showing except for about half way in. All of a sudden I hear small shakes and there is two of my three blades damaged about inch or so from the edge down. Thank godness it was my black regular 19 pitch prop and not my stainless 21 pitch prop.Are these worth fixing?,or better to buy a used or new one?. It's off my 86 305 mercruiser inboard/outboard. Where would be a reasonable place in the Barrie to toronto area where I could get it possibly fixed/used one/new one?. I would be mostly interested in a 19 pitch or a 17 pitch prop. Thank you in advance,davey.
  8. Thanks,gotta love Pete and his mask:thumbsup_anim:
  9. It's a Chris Craft scorpion 187. It has great top end, but with 4 guys and their gear fishing it's hard to get on plane. Misfish I use the trim button and the motor is always all the way down when taking off.Two in the boat and she planes within 10 seconds. I am also now running a 19pitch prop instead of a 21 which was very hard to get on plane. It is a 200 hp motor. Thanks for your help. davey
  10. Thanks Terry, just wasn't sure if it would make that much of a difference. davey.
  11. I have a pair of DOEL-FIN tabs to help plane out boat my boat. It's a 86 305 V8 mercruser inboard/outboard. If I install them do they make a noticeable difference?. There the model 185. Thanks for any help in advance, davey.
  12. Four of us had a great day for about 8 hours yesterday. Caught a lot of crappie ,blue gill, and even a 3,2, 1.5 large mouth bass. The thing that worried me is we couldn't buy a pike if we wanted to. Fished the same areas as years gone past, when that was all we caught for a day on the lake. Anyone noticed this?,or maybe they just move around more depending on temp,sun,wind etc. Great day anyway,and heading back soon.
  13. I would try a carpet and vinyl outlet.
  14. When I used to install and repair vinyl flooring, any seam, we would use what they call in the business "seam sealer" ,actually melted the vinyl together and was now stronger than the original flooring. Water proof and would never tear at that spot again.
  15. Yes, that is what I gathered to from this interesting debate.
  16. Personally I believe boats should at least have head lights for traveling at night. The marker lights IMO are ok if you are stopped,but you really can't see very well if your moving. That's my 2cent's worth. Sad to hear of any accident on the water or anywhere else. davey.
  17. Bernie you took the words right out of my mouth
  18. Looks like a lot of fun. That is why whenever we go out we all take a extra rod and reel.
  19. I think I know the area, off oro? Saw a lot of fish on the finder but my rope was only 100' long. Will have to add at least another 50'. Nice fish.
  20. Thanks guys, it's just that my portable eagle did have a series of steps to reset it as if someone used it on land or if something different happened to it you could restart it. Thanks.
  21. Very nice:thumbsup_anim:
  22. You don't think there is any reset to factory specs or any way to plain reset it?
  23. Hi, bought this boat about 5 years ago and came with this fish finder. Near the end of last year my depth reading went right off the chart. It shows the depth at being 1000' plus. I have checked the position of the transducer ,still in the horizontal position as before. Any help would be appreciated,thanks davey.
  24. Hello everyone,fairly new here. I've noticed a few members from the barrie area. Anyone fished the notty in Angus lately? I know it's too early for the fall activity but just interested if it's worth venturing out over the long weekend. Thanks davey.
  25. used the panther martin 28 with black tail with some success,but this weekend caught a 34" pike (not muskie) on a meppps red and gold giant killer.It looks like it may have some potential.
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