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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Now that's sweet!!!!!

  2. There's a lot pride I'm sure.Nothing like building something yourself .Looks good.
  3. This is good,pretty big shoes to fill I'd say! Especially with Jimmy Page,JPJ,and Robert Plant in the audience.
  4. Your right,ice fisherman could use a little good press. Too bad it's such a small,small percentage causing these problems.
  5. That's a great attitude,but 100% chance of rain tonight and tomorrow.That may give you a rough go?.Good luck!
  6. I was surprised to see three guys out this morning on a back lake near me.
  7. four people fell through the ice off Gilford a little while ago.Everyone be careful

    1. misfish


      So wheres this back lake near you Dave? LOL

  8. We've all heard these types of stories before.When will they learn. Wish i could see his face when he's getting a ticket for catching a fish without a licence,knowing what he could of had.
  9. Yesterday drove by two different TO rivers and surprisingly they were more or less running at normal speed. Not sure on clarity.
  10. Not as much snow south,maybe not as much run off?
  11. Welcome chrismo.Hope you enjoy your stay no matter where you choose!
  12. We just like the old skin better,made it unique and was that much nicer and different from all the rest. If it doesn't change it's still the best site out there.IMO. We'll evolve lol.
  13. What a great video Brian!!!!,you sure had one heck of a fishing year .
  14. It's on it's way. It must be the brightness against your eyes.I find myself constantly looking away for short times.
  15. Thinkng back,mine was the most fun of all,beat snowmobiling and dirt biking,recreational of course.It was a year round machine.Jiggers were the only thing else and that was 6 wheels .
  16. That's just Dave lol. Your not thinking it's too late. .
  17. That's another issue with him I forgot about!
  18. That's what I 've been asking

  19. I don't think I could ever insure mine.
  20. I know 30 years ago I bought a brand new Honda 200S Had it for 15 years,really regreted selling it to this day.Faster than the M and Big Red but a tad smaller than the M. At that time you could really not drive it anywhere. It was a always look over your shoulder and if the authorities showed up,just make the next exit lol..Having said that growing up north of Wasaga,there were tons of trails and the beach during the spring,.fall and winter..I used it ice fishing when I had a home at Big Bay Point. Never any issues than,even when the ministry or Police stopped at my hut to see what we were doing.Private property ok obviusly,just not sure nowadays.
  21. I think over the winter,you'll be able to get enough fishing in. . Sounds like a fun time.
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