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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Hey.. thats way more productive than the outcome of me being bored... usually it makes work lol very nice harnesses btw
  2. so theyre taking off teh hand instead eh? lol j/k man good luck, they know what theyre doing
  3. I cant wait either... Just hope my river isn't washed out
  4. LOL fang... I think I will have to check out this guy you are speaking of... if you dont mind can you post, or PM me what the price range from this guy is? thanks Bill
  5. Thanks Guys... I will give a couple of these guys a call... I like the tri coloured beagles for some reason, just personal preference...By high maintainence you mean excercise and stuff? As I do have another dog too... As for the loudmouth thing.... I have a family member whou has one and seems surprisingly quiet any reason why? maybe just shes a female hes a male
  6. Left retrieve for spinning and flyfishing... when fly fishing you need ther rod in your good hand so that you can false cast and allow line out... Baitcaster retrieve with right, cast with right
  7. Ohh as well is it better to get a male or a female for hunting? Thanks for the info so far
  8. Hey all just wondering if anyone knew of a good breeder for these guys in S. ontario... Just wanna get one to do some rabbit hunting with...A reputable breeder who will make sure it gets all shots prior to purchase... anyone have a good experince? Please post on here or Pm me with some contact info... Thanks Bill
  9. Or you can fish with barbless... that helps alot if you are releasing... I always pinch the barbs on my flies... I do like to keep some fish to eat but usually release most of what I catch
  10. I went out yesterday for an afternoon hunt... ended up being helping out a friend make a shed then we hit the woods... only saw a couple of tracks, not a turkey in sight for us... good luck out there next time get yourself a good old tom
  11. While hunting for other animals you MUST wear hunter orange... many other animals are colour blind whearas turkeys are not so you are not required to hunt with hunter orange... The orange allows you to be seen in the woods, so if stalking you're chances of being mistaken as an orange deer or rabbit or bird are significantly reduces... That is what makes it different... did you actually take the course and if so did you sleep through it or totally disregard what they said?
  12. One of the most important things they teach you at the course is not to stalk turkeys... Makes perfect sence as well... many people are over excited and trigger happy and upon hearing you walk through the woods calling they may take a quick shot not realizing the target... It is not necesarily the stalker who shoots and injures one but often the otehr way around... I hope for your safety you quit stalking the birds, but if not at least DO NOT tell people it is ok to stalk turkeys as it most certainly is not...
  13. I always have black electric tape too... fixes lots of stuff too...
  14. I am goin into the chat now... hope ya'll are still there
  15. Polarized sunglasses, net, knives, Forcepts... leaders (always screwup that one....)
  16. Nice slew of slabs you got there... Wtg and great report...
  17. Yea I read that too... I was dissapointed that I wouldnt even have the chance... but thats ok, now I have some chance and allows opportunities for many
  18. Awesome pics.... looks like hes got snow on him.... Thanks for posting
  19. SOunds like ya got a nice little fish fry in order dont ya... WTG
  20. Awesome pics there man... looks like theyre in there pretty darn thick...
  21. I think that although It would be a good Idea, poachers do not poach beacause they are unaware of the regs but rather they have no concern for them... I also agree as mentioned that Natural resources courses should be manditory in highschool at some level, this would allow young people to gain a new respect for the sport we so much enjoy... That is of course my opinion and many may have different opinions... I just think that the earlier people are taught to respect the resources, and nature the better...
  22. I can tell you right now a flat reel will be much smoother... It also allows you to "freespool" and let line out at the same rate the river is flowing... fly reels usually use some sort of click and pawl system which causes there to be drag which If i am not mistaken float reels usually do not have although you can turn on the "clicker" to make some drag and stap freespooling.... as well teh method in which each is cast varies significantly because of the different uses of the reel
  23. looks like fun eh lol... that was a scronny catfish like looking fish though....
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