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About snag

  • Birthday 06/06/2006

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Zorgon, sect. g7
  • Interests
    Oxygen intake

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  1. Yeah, looks that way to me too?
  2. Nice boat, Show you mine if you show me yours. (though we've probably see them!) Good job guys!
  3. Wow! what a gift! thanks for a great idea on my next gift!
  4. Not another "skunked" report! Great job!
  5. He'll be up in no time. Take care of him.
  6. I cut the straw in half sometimes so I have 2 short ones to lose
  7. Welcome back! I knew you were on to those big eyes again! Sorry to hear that your oldest has dumped you guys for a bf. I'm sure that your sleeping well What were you using to catch the night chrome? (not that I will have a chance to get out....) Your boat was trying to tell you to go shore fishing I think Good to see you again Cliff. S.
  8. snag


    Beans, wow! Speaking of beans, here's some franks to go with that:
  9. No worries. GCD has organized sum inlaws to come up with swamp boats and bows/arrows to rid us of this menance. You are welcome to stay at my place Glen, sorry dude............ Glenda
  10. See, Now you're a pro! Good job guys
  11. fish are free thinkers
  12. snag


    I think I might be looking at jail time if they actually found the "over the limit" amount of latex in my car. Skins are still on them Terry
  13. You've always loved November! You must have a clone to get out that much!
  14. CLASSIC! AAAAAAAAAMAZING NEW FISH STRINGER! An invention to mock your fellow angler and observer!
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